Chapter 18

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Michelle's POV

I just thought about something. When me and my sister leave for New York, my auntie is gonna be alone! I'm pretty sure she's gonna be sad because when my cousin Shay died when we were 6, it was hard for her. I miss her, me and Shay were close because we were the same age!! I just wanted to be by myself when she died. I was too young to know what death was, I was just a kid, not knowing any better.

Me and Shay always would beg my uncle to take us to go get ice cream, Jennifer wouldn't give a fuck because he let her do anything she wanted because she was older. I remember the time when me and Shay argued over a doll. A fucking doll. Me and her COULDN'T pass for sisters, we kinda looked alike but not really, just because I was light skin and she was brown skin.

"Michelle, are you feeling okay?" Jennifer said as she walked in my room.

"Yeah I just wish I can hurry up and get this damn baby out so we can go ahead and move to New York." I said while unlocking my phone and getting on Instagram.

"Oh ok. Where's Dylan?" Jennifer asked while taking my phone out my hands. Who the fuck does she think she is?

"He's at work and why the hell did you take my phone?" I asked.

"Where does he work at?" Jennifer asked ignoring my question about my phone. Again, who does she think she is??

"He works in the mall at the --- ... Store. Somewhere in there." I said, I have no idea where the hell he works I just know it's at the mall goddamn.

"Oh yeah, you know my old Bestfriend Kacey?"


"She's Fake!! I thought that she was the only person I could trust!"

I was a little hurt by her words, because she said she could only trust Kacey. Fuck that hoe. Then suddenly I started having sharp pains going through my body.

"Ouch..." I said quietly so Jenni wouldn't here. Lawd please don't let me have this baby early. I know that I wanna have this baby now but I'm only 7 months and she might be unhealthy.

"What's wrong? Needa go to the hospital?" Jenni said while helping me up.

"No" I said sitting back down.

"Alright let's go"

Umm hello, BITCH! Did you not just hear me! I said NO!

Minutes later we was in the car and my Auntie was driving and I texted Dylan and told him to meet us at the hospital. The pains kept getting worse and worse. Then finally we made it to the hospital.

"How many months is she?" The Nurse asked my Auntie.

"7 months" Auntie Maya responded.

"Hmm, well by observing this baby she seems to be about... 9 months!" The Nurse said while looking at the screen with my baby on it.

"9 months!?" My auntie yelled at me while her and my sister gave me dirty look.

"Oops!" I said with a smirk.

"How could you not know you was this far along?!" Jenni said

"Forgot?" I said.

"Let's get her to the delivery room, cause she's about to have this baby!" The nurse said with a smile!

"Well I'm finna go back home really quickly to get the clothes, car seat, and the bag we packed and where's Dylan?" My auntie said.

"He should be here, let me call him." I said while reaching for my phone.

"Okay , Love you babygirl"

"Love you too."

Phone call

"Dylan, where are you? I'm about to have the baby!"

"Bae calm down, we're pulling up now and my mom Is here too."

For the record I absolutely HATE his mother! (I hate my boyfriends mom in real life, I hate her so much I can't even explain)

"I don't like her." I said with an attitude

"Like I like you anyways!" his MOM said in the background.

What the fuck

"How can she hear me?!"

"You know the car system thingy? That."

"Oh well...... I'm In room 217 on the 2nd floor."

"Ight I'm coming up"


When I got off the phone with Dylan I was in the hospital bed and I fell asleep.

When I woke up I saw a group of people surrounding me. It was Jenni, Auntie Maya, A Bitch (Dylan's Mom) , The Bae (Dylan) and like 4 nurses..

"Michelle it's time" Jenni said to me while holding my right hand.

I looked up to Dylan who was holding my left hand and his bitch ass mom next to him.

"On the count of 3 push! 1-2-3!"

Annnd the. Finally after some pushing my beautiful daughter MiKayla Mar'Shay Edwards . Her middle name was my cousins name. We called her Shay for short. When The nurse handed me my baby I cried because she was so beautiful and she was mine! She was lightskin with curly black hair and brown eyes. She looked just like me!

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