Chapter 19

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Thank you all so much for waiting I know it has been a long time since my last update. However anyone in marching band will know how tiring band camp is and can probably understand why I had very little time. Now before the chapter beingins, anyone reading who is/was in marching band let me know in the comments what section you are/were in! Thanks again!

Richard couldn't put his pencil down. After his reunion with Melody, he had been found still unconscious by an anonymous person and brought to the hospital. Shortly after waking, he asked everyone he could about her. If the person who brought him in had seen anyone. Had anyone matching Melody's description come by?

His answers hadn't exactly been positive. Regardless he stayed determined. Richard had seen her alive, he just needed to find her. Thus he asked for lots of paper and good pencils. Sketching kept her image fresh in his mind.

A peaceful smile graced his lips as he outlined every new detail. Her eyes had gotten so much brighter than he remembered. Even in their brief moment together he also could see her spirit had grown. He wanted to capture everything about her. His wife would be overjoyed when he told her. Richard knew how hard the last few years had been on her and didn't want to tell her without Melody being in his custody. She was so fragile now. He didn't expect her to come to the hospital, especially not after all the rehabilitation they had gone through.

Richard paused. Thinking back, Melody had changed in some...less positive...ways. The long white hair along with her bizarre prosthetics. What happened to his daughter?
He had watched the news story the night the police busted the drug den. There were so many children pulled out on stretchers. Dirty bodies, trembling hands, missing limbs...

Richard stopped his train of thought as his stomach twisted into knots. Had he known they would've, even knowing the awaiting fate they still might have given her away. The drugs had them too desperate. Shame rippled through Richard's heart. He couldn't even remember why he started him and Minerva down that path. All he remembered was the unsatisfied urges for more. That and the night Melody stopped talking.

His pencil went still. Richard sighed and leaned back against the pillows on the hospital bed. It was back when they still tried to hide their addiction from Melody. However they had been too desperate that night. Thus she discovered them in the act. As most children are in that age, she was immediately curious and wanted to join mommy and daddy. Either greed or parental instincts made them refuse.

Richard liked to believe it was the later.

However like most children, Melody wouldn't take no for an answer. She kept begging to be included. She wanted the privilege of doing ''grown up stuff''. Richard remembered how unhappy he and Minerva were at being discovered. That said, they had very little patience for Melody's prying. All he wanted that night was for her to be quiet and go to her room. Two simple instructions. Yet Melody remained determined and wouldn't leave. Minerva came up with the detrimental solution.

"Melody," she began, "we'll tell you what we're doing but you have to do something first." Melody bounched up and down excited, "yes!yes! What is it!"
"You have to be quiet." Minerva instructed. Melody stopped bouncing and clasped her hands over her mouth while nodding her head. "Not like that, sweetie. You can't say a word to anyone. Not for any reason." She added.
Melody seemed to consider the bargain carefully. Well as carefully as a child her age could. For a moment she looked about to speak but quickly cut herself off before simply nodding. "Good girl, now just stay quiet and once mom and dad think you've held up your part of our little deal we'll tell you what we were doing." Minerva said holding her hand out to Melody. Their little girl again nodded and shook her mother's hand. "Now go to your room, it's late." Richard finally spoke gently.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2017 ⏰

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