Chapter 9

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The painter sighed in defeat. He placed his brush down beside the painting and leaned back in his chair. "What would you look like now?" He mumbled. He glanced over at the sketches that he had drawn depicting girls with various heights, hair length, facial features, and clothes. "Nononono! These don't seem real." He said angrily shoving the sketches away. The painter ran a hand through his hair. "Im going out to find inspiration." He said standing up. He grabbed his coat and keys before heading out the door.


Megatron was in a very foul mood.

A few days after Optimus Prime's return, Megatron had sent a team of vechions to investigate the first set of coordinates. The team reported back and Megatron himself went to collect the package.
Apparently the scout Bumblebee snatched the object in the last second.

He had now summoned Soundwave to the control room. Echo sat stiffly on Soundwave's shoulder. A speck of unease always entered her spark whenever she had to abandon her suit.
Echo was currently using the prosthetic limbs Soundwave had designed. He had taken her mobile suit momentarily so he could install some updates. Her new arm had a button she could press that would produce beeps and clicks, allowing her to still communicate.
(Similar to Bumblebee's voice box)
"The Spark Extractor was in my grasp! I should have removed more then that scout's voice box when I had the chance." Megatron snarled as he slammed a fist onto the desk. More then one set of coordinates were decoded Echo clicked. Megatron turned to face them as Soundwave pulled up a map. "Indeed, Echo. Go with Knockout and Breakdown to see what other long lost treasures we might be reunited with." Megatron said. Echo felt Soundwave tense slightly, but the silent mech nodded anyway. Megatron waved a servo in their direction to dismiss the two. Soundwave turned and made his way towards med bay. Soundwave? Echo clicked. The purple mech paused and looked at her. Are you unwell Echo asked. Status: stable Soundwave responded with his sonar ring. Echo slumped her shoulders. She couldn't see his face, but she could tell something was wrong. She made an attempt to reach him through their bond. Echo sent out her feelings of concern and received the icy touch of the barrier created by the visor.

Echo unwillingly flinched.

Soundwave noticed and ducked around a corner. He slid his visor back after confirming no one was around. What's wrong? Echo sent. Soundwave placed his digits behind her back and held her to his spark. Orion Pax wanted to take you away. I have concerns that Optimus Prime will remember you and make the same attempt. Soundwave sent back. Echo smiled at him. I'm not going to leave, I'll come back Echo transmitted. She felt a pulse of warmth from his spark as Soundwave sent his feelings of love to her. I know Soundwave responded. He slid his visor back down and Echo once again felt their bond temporarily severed.
Soundwave re-entered the hallway and walked towards med bay. He pressed the panel on the wall and the doors slid open.
"-and that's why I hate limousines." Knockout said, talking to Breakdown. Both mechs looked towards the door upon noticing them. "Soundwave? What brings you here?" Knockout asked. "Echo, go with Knockout and Breakdown to see what other long lost treasures we might be reunited with." Soundwave played the audio clip. "The relic coordinates? Why are we going with the chief of security." Breakdown said. "Megatron's orders. She can ride with me, Soundwave." Knockout said holding out his servo. Soundwave gently placed her in Knockout's palm. "I didn't know you had a soft spot for human femmes." Breakdown said smirking. "I don't. Echo is different." Knockout said.
"How so?"
"She's respecting, quiet, has a great sense of style."
"You know that how?"
"She complemented my finish and I let her watch human horror films with me." Knockout said.
Soundwave -growing impatient- opened a ground bridge infront of them. "Alright we're going." Knockout said. He transformed and Echo landed in the front seat. "You remember the rules, correct?" Knockout said through the speakers. Echo nodded. Servos off the wheel and you pick the radio station She clicked.
"Excellent!" Knockout said revving his engine and speeding through the ground bridge. Breakdown followed shortly after.

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