Chapter 4

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After eating the dinner Soundwave had brought her, Echo had finally decoded the troublesome entry and stretched her arms. She slid her visor back and rubbed her eyes. "You've been working really hard, its understandable that you would tired." Orion said. Echo shook her head and blinked several times. I'm fine. I need to stay awake and help Echo typed after sliding the visor back down. "I will let you know when I require assistance. Get some recharge till then." Orion said. She waved him of and started on the next entry.
Echo face-palmed. "Pushing yourself will get you nowhere. Rest." Orion said. Echo sighed. Five minutes, then wake me up Echo typed. Orion nodded and began working on the entries. Echo curled up on the desk and closed her eyes. She exhaled and shifted a little bit. She heard the doors open and assumed it was Soundwave. Her eyes snapped open when she heard several thumps and an accusing cry;
"Optimus Prime!"
Echo jolted upwards. Orion backed up. "Please, I mean no harm." Orion said. "Oh?! Then what are you doing here?" Starscream said aiming his weapons. "Research for Lord Megatron." Orion said.
"Is this some kind of joke!?"
"I do not understand."
Starscream seemed shocked and lowered his missiles. "And why did you call me Optimus Prime?" Orion asked. "Uh...why wouldn't I?" Starscream said dodging the question. "Because my name is Orion Pax. I am far from being a Prime." Orion said slightly lowering his helm. "Oh reminded me of someone I once knew, that's all." Starscream said.
"You are Starscream."
"Lord Megatron told me you had been . . . terminated."
"Megatron says many things, only some of which are true."
"You do not suggest that our leader would speak falsehoods." Orion said. Oh no. No no no no. Echo thought. She pressed her morse code button repeatedly. Starscream is in the Iacon Lab! Echo clicked.
At that Starscream bursted into laughter.
"You truely are being kept in the dark aren't you." Starscream said smirking.
You speak in many riddles, Starscream. Please, tell me what it is you know." Orion said. Scrap scrap scrap! Hurry! Echo thought. "And in return-" Starscream was cut off as the doors opened revealing vechion guards. "Starscream, surrender!" The vechion in front said. Starscream yelped and ran behind Orion. "Hold your fire!" Orion said holding out a servo. Starscream glanced behind and spotted Echo. "You!" He cursed. Orion ducked as Starscream transformed and flew over them. "Remain in the lab." A vechion said.
"But I-"
"Lord Megatron's orders." The vechion said closing the door. Orion narrowed his optics and turned back towards the monitor. "Do you know why I am being ordered to stay here." Orion asked Echo. Big ship. I still get lost Echo typed. "Why would Megatron lie?" Orion asked. Scrap, think of lie, think of a good lie Echo thought. Because they're might be Autobot spies disguised as Decepticons Echo typed. "You could be right." Orion murmured. Echo let out a sigh of relief. He believed her.

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