Chapter 9

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"Why would..." I shook my head in disbelief. "And why wouldn't you?! The fact that we're both forcefully getting married to someone we don't like -and I'm not even saying love- isn't enough of a reason to you?"

"Who said that I don't like you?"

How funny. Can you see my nonexistent smile?

"Nobody needs to say it -it's plainly obvious. But that doesn't worry me because the feeling is mutual."

"You can't be sure about that."

His attempts to always contradict me were obviously in order to see me flustered. Unfortunately, it was working.

"I know how you feel, though." He said. "At first, the thought of getting married wasn't something that I liked, but let's say that I grew fond of it -specially when I knew who I was getting married with. The same will eventually happen to you, princess. You just need to go with the flow and give time the time it needs."

Does that even make any sense? At this point I was at a loss of words.

Honestly, for the past few days I've been feeling like the most confusing person ever; I don't know if I should waste my energy screaming at him or if I should just stay passive-agressive. Sometimes I want to punch a wall, other times I want to laugh because of this.

One thing for sure -I don't really know how to handle this situation.

"But if you want me to apologize, I won't do it. And that's just because everything I do has a reason behind it." He said with a serious face.

"Is that really what it is? So what you're trying to say is that you've put drugs on my drink without my knowledge because you had a reason behind it?" I remained as serene as possible.

"Exactly." His answer was short, spoken confidently.

"I've noticed that you always seek to show a certain sense of imponence..." I mumbled while looking right into his eyes.

Tilting my head to the side, I figured out that I would have to be the one pressing him to talk more about it.

Once again, my confused head was tricking me -do I really want to know it or not? Because, sometimes, ignorance is bliss.

"And may I know what reason was that?"

"I had to find a way to make you stay the night." He shrugged. "The dorms were just in a close walk so by the end of the night you and Isabelle would return to them. I thought that if you were extremely drunk you two would stay, but that would take a while and you weren't even playing any drinking game so the chances that you would get supper drunk were low." He paused for a moment, thinking of what to say next. "I thought that if I put a bit of a drug on your drink everything would be faster and more effective, but probably because it was your first time getting high it kind of hit you hard." He scratched the back of his neck and gave me a nervous smile. "I'm sorry about that, I didn't want you to get hurt or to take any advantage from you but... Yeah, things don't always happen the way we want them to."

Okay, I know that my mind has been a mess for this last few days but his bipolarity wasn't appealing to my rational side at all. Moments ago he was saying that he wouldn't apologize because everything he does has a reason behind but now he's acting kind of... nicely?

He's just trying to fool you, Scarlet. My subconsciousness warned. He knows that you want him to show regret. He's doing it right now, but does he really mean everything he just said?

"Was that supposed to make me forgive you? Because all it did was to show what a wicked mind you have..."

"No, I was just justifying myself. You wanted answers, right? There you have it."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2018 ⏰

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