Chapter 4

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"Shut up. Isabelle?"

"I'm staying. You should stay, too."

"I pass." He nonchalantly said as he rolled his eyes.

"At least introduce yourself properly, Matt." Andrew said. "It's not cool to act like that when you meet someone for the first time."

"Screw you, Andrew." He went back inside, rolling his shoulders back and occasionally fist bumping some people he was apparently familiar with along the way.

What a jerk. I thought as I scowled at his rude attitude.

"Don't be like that." Isabelle said side-hugging me. "He's like that to everyone he knows. Nothing personal, I think."

Her description didn't match the scene in front of me, though. He actually acted -not exactly nice- but at least not so rude to the others like he had done with me. Maybe in the end it really was a personal matter.

"It's not like I care anyway." I shrugged. "He doesn't know what he's missing. Too bad." Possibly because I'm already a little bit tipsy,  my tone came out even more arrogant and ironical than what I first intended to.

Hearing this, Isabelle smiled and took my arm leading me back inside the house. "Let's go grab another drink, you need it more than anyone else in this room. And try not to spill it over Andrew this time."

I looked to my left and he was calmly following us. Probably feeling my eyes on him, he stared back at me and winked, making me blush slightly.

After we came back inside time flew by.

I was now already barefoot and with my hair tied up in a high ponytail. I assumed that the alcohol on my system was already making effect since my body felt as light as a feather as I swinged my hips to the rythmn of the song, or as close as I could get to that. Isabelle was right next to me, dancing crazily with her arms in the air. I could feel a few pairs of eyes on us but shrugged it aside.

After a few dances later I could feel my legs aching and begging for some rest so I decided to seat down for a bit on the nearest sofa. I looked at my surroundings -almost everyone was gone by now. The few people left were either dancing in the middle of the room or outside gathered around a bonfire.

A soft touch on my shoulder made me look up, only to meet a pair of hazel eyes glowing back at me.

"Did it hurt?" He asked.

I mean, this dude was kinda cute but at least he could've worked better on his cheesy pickup lines.

"What? When I fell from heaven?" I snapped back at him giving a knowing smile.

My quick reply left the guy speechless and even a little embarrassed but he just laughed it off.

"Yeah... I should've known better; you probably hear stuff like this all the time."

Before I could reply, another voice ringed. "I don't really think so. I mean, look at this poor thing -do you really think guys try hitting on her that often?" He laughed while shaking his head. "Only if they're that desperate."

Of course that annoying voice could only belong to the biggest douchebag I've ever met in my life so far. Like, seriously, what's his problem with me?!

I just quietly stared at the dance floor in front of me in an attempt to calm myself down before I threw this guy a punch... Or maybe two.

"Chill, little thing." He casually said.

At this point I was too pissed off to even reply to his snide remarks.

"Here. Take this."

One of those red paper cups that were being used in beer pong games appeared before me. Curiosity got the better of me and my eyes shifted in between the cup and the owner of the hand that firmly gripped it.

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