Chapter 7

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Did I hear it right? Matthew's mother?

"What does she want with me? And how the hell does she even know who I am?!" I panicked. "Hahaha no, Belle. You've got to be kidding me... Right?"

"I know it's hard to believe, Scar, but I can only tell you that you're going to know the answers for those questions soon enough."

"Quit being the mysterious lady, Isabelle. You sounded like you know that lady very well, and apparently you've got a lot of respect for her. Am I right?"

"You got it right." She sat on the other side of the couch. "I've known Linda for a long time."

I knew that Isabelle didn't want to talk much, instead, she wanted to keep a low profile but guess what -I wasn't buying it.

"Belle, really, I'm not that oblivious you know? It can't be pure coincidence that I only met Matthew yesterday and the next day his mother -who apparently is close to you- comes out of nowhere and wants to meet me. Something here sounds fishy but I can't figure it out what's exactly happening."

She hesitated before giving me an answer back.

"As you said, this obviously wasn't a coincidence. I mean, it kind of was. Matt wasn't supposed to be at the party last night but he was and you ended up meeting him sooner than what was planned."

"And I wish I didn't." I blurted out. "Wait, what did you say? What was exactly 'planed'?"

She groaned. "Don't make me talk now, Scarlet."

I've had enough of this.

"Oooohhh I'm sorry Isabelle if my roommate who is like a sister to me keeps on doing things behind my back and I try to know what's going on because it obviously involves me but I'm undoubtedly the only one who doesn't know a thing!"

I got out of the couch and grabbed my things, ready to rush to my bedroom. The day hadn't started in the greatest way and as the cherry on top of the cake my stomach was empty. My feelings were mixed -I wasn't only hungry, I wasn't only angry, I was hangry. Good thing is that I always keep a few snacks besides my bed in case I eventually crave a late-night snack.

"Scarlet, don't be like that." Isabelle said while getting up from the couch as well and following me. "I get it that you're frustrated because you feel left behind, but please keep in mind that this does not only involve you or me, it is way beyond that so it's not my job to tell you what's going on."

"It's okay, Belle. If you don't want to talk then at least let me go to my bedroom and don't bother me anymore. See you tomorrow." I said dryly without facing her.

"It's not like I don't want to talk Scarlet, I simply can't."

I finally turned around right before opening my bedroom door.

"You sure about that? You can't or you won't?"

"I really can't, I swear!" She put her hands in front of her, denying her fault. "And you can't barricade yourself in your bedroom until tomorrow! It's still like, what? Two pm?"

"That's exactly what I plan on doing." I turned the lock of the door.

"What about Linda? She is going to be here any second."

"Isabelle, look at me." She did as I said. "Are you taking a good look at me? At my face?"

"Yes I am."

"Are you really?"

"Damn, yes! I already said I am!"

"Good. Now, does it look like I give a fuck?"

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