ch. 5

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I had the hardest time finding the town, let alone the house that this damn kid lived in.

When I finally found his house I knocked on the front door. No answer. Since I'm not all that patient I decided to run into the front door and break it down.

When I walked in, the place stank like a pile of rotting meat combined with the smell of sulfur. Ambregons.

"Damn it!" I cursed. "They found him before I did. Bloody hell!"

I walked around the first floor of the house, sticking my head a little around each corner to make sure that an Ambregon wasn't around the other side.

I didn't find the kid on the first story or any Ambres either. I started up to the second story next.

The first door on the right was opened a crack with a little bit of light coming from the room.

I put my eye to the door and looked in. There I saw what I needed. There he was along with a woman, probably his mom.


Yep, his mo- her fingers on her right hand lengthened into flesh covered knives that dung into the boy's neck and cheek.

Stupid Ambre.

I bursted into the room and ran to the desk where they were at. The boy's head fell to his chest right when I tackled the Ambre. We crashed to the floor. I shot to my feet and drew my sword.

The former woman struggled to her feet. She glared at me and showed her teeth. Her teeth grew and sharpened to their true length. She growled but it was cut short as I swung my sword down onto her chest with full force.

Once the body of the body started to disintegrate I looked over to the boy on the floor, still hacking away.

I looked out the window which showed the world embraced in night. I saw movement outside and knew reinforcements were coming.

The boy on the floor finally stopped coughing, stood, and walked next to me as I looked out his window.

I looked to the boy who stood to my left. "What's your name, kid?"

He continued to look out the window. "Alex."

"Great! Now, I'm Michael and you have one choice to make: you can either stay in this house and have a great possibility of dying or come with me."

"Um... is that really a choice?"

"Uh," I look up at the ceiling as if it might miraculously give me the answer then brought my eyes back down to Alex, "no."

"Great." Alex rolls his eyes and starts out his room.

I quickly made it right behind him, scrapping his heels with my shoes "It would be fantastic is you could move a little faster than a snail."

"Yeah, yeah. Shut up."

I grined as he started to run down the hallway and then down the stairs, I continued after him at almost the same pace.

As I got closer to Alex I noticed he was breathing heavily. "Alex, are you seriously out of breathe now?! You barely even ran anywhere!"

He didn't respond. I squeezed past him to take the lead.

I reached the door that was, of course, still broken. I ran down the street a ways to where my car was. I turned around and noticed that Alex was no longer behind me.

Alex RoganWhere stories live. Discover now