Ch. 1

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Staring at the clock, counting down the minutes I had left of monotonous class, I recalled how terrible this day had gone so far. I got less than three hours of sleep last night only to find out that morning, once I walked into my first period class, that we had a Greek mythology exam that I didn't even know about, let alone study for! Also at lunch, I spilled my juice all over myself, looking like a klutz. And then I was sitting in a classroom with a monotoned, seventy year old teacher trying to teach the class how to make a proof!

While lost in thought Mr. Lee continued to repeat my name, which brought me back to reality, "Alex? Alex?Alex...?"

"Huh? What? Sorry, Sir, I didn't hear you."

"Once you finish daydreaming, would you please tell me what reason eight of this problem should be, that is, if you can figure it out..." His voice trailed off as I stared at the board. What I saw was like a foreign language, there were all these lines and equations and definitions of stuff like an equiangular triangle. I never even heard of an equiangular triangle! Heck! I had no idea what I was reading!

I groaned at the thought of homework and how hard and how long it was going to take me to finish it all. After another moment of thinking I just said the obvious-

"Something to do with math."

As the students tried, and failed, to stifle their laughs, Mr. Lee bursted out, "Are you trying to be funny, Alex?!"

I leaned back in my chair admiring my work, yet I still knew what would happen, "Well, it certainly is working," I said in a lazy tone.

Once I answered Mr. Lee shot out of his chair like a rocket and slammed his fat hands onto his desk, glaring at me he said, "That is the last straw, Rogan! Get out of my class! NOW!!!"

As I walked towards the door, glad to be out of that class, the old man shouted one last remark: "And you better stay there after class or else you'll be in even more trouble than you already are!"

I should have told you earlier, but I've done this kind of thing before, but much worse. Stuff like setting off the fire-alarm, setting the clocks to a different time so we would get out earlier, changing all the grades on the tests and exams so those who passed failed and those who failed passed...., and others that are so bad that I won't even tell you for the reader's sake. So, it is about time that he got this mad, even though it is about a little quip.

I saw the kids stream out of their classrooms once the bell rang thirteen minutes later, signaling the end out class, and walking off the campus as I longed to go with them. I waited for all the students to leave the classroom before I walk on.

I was glad that Mr. Lee wanted to get his lecture over with, so he just cut to the case, "Why are you causing a distraction in my class? I'm trying to teach the kids that actually want to learn."

When he saw that I wasn't answering he put a hand on my shoulder, which I ignored, and said in a soft voice, "Alex, I want to help you. The things I teach you, not just in the lessons, will help you later on in life," He paused for a moment and continued on, "Also, if you ever want help or to talk to me, just come and ask, okay?"

As I was turning around to leave Mr. Lee said one more thing, "The next time you come into my class would you please not make a distraction and try, at least, listen, please." Once he said that I turned around and left, with him still standing there.

Alex RoganWhere stories live. Discover now