Chapter Four

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After talking with Chiaki, you decided to head over to two guys who had been talking with each other.

They were both tall, one with messy, white, shoulder length hair and the other with short, spiky brown hair with an ahoge.

As you walked towards them, the white-haired boy saw you, and his eyes lit up. He wore a knee-length dark green zipper hoodie with a jagged-cut tail. His hoodie had red squares across the right shoulder and a large red '55' on the back. Underneath, he wore a white scoop-neck T-shirt with a red design on it. He also wore plain black jeans.

"You're (Y/N), right?" He asked you, causing the brown haired by to shift his attention over to you. "The ultimate Makeup artist?"

"Yeah, I am." You gave him a nod. You didn't know why, but there was something about him that you liked. It was strange, though, because you didn't even know his name.

"I'm Nagito Komaeda." He introduced himself.

"I'm Hajime Hinata," The brown haired boy told you. "Nice to meet you."

"Yeah, you too." You smiled. Chiaki was right: the other students were, in fact, quite friendly.

Hajime wore a simple white shirt with the emblem of his previous high school on the hem. He wore a green tie which also had the same emblem. He had black jeans and red-and-white sneakers.

"They call me the ultimate lucky student." Nagito told you.

"Lucky...student? That's cool. I didn't really know that was considered a talent." You told him.

"It's not as amazing as your talent, or any of the others." He said. "Actually, it can hardly even be considered a talent."

"Ah, don't say that." You told him, feeling bad and wanting to cheer him up.

"It's okay, I already know it's true. Anyways, Hajime was just telling me about how he doesn't remember his ultimate talent." Nagito explained, changing the subject over to Hajime.

"You don't remember your talent?" You asked him. How could somebody just forget what their talent was? That seemed impossible...all you needed to know was what you're really good at, because that's what a talent is, and that's not something you just forget.

"No, it's strange...I can't seem to remember..." Hajime said with a sigh.

"That's really...weird." You told him.

"Don't worry, Hajime," Nagito said with a large smile. "I'm sure your talent is filled with hope!"

"Hope?" Hajime questioned Nagito, a little confused.

"I'm sure that your talent will be just as remarkable as the others." Nagito told Hajime.

"Well, thank you, I guess." Hajime smiled awkwardly.

"Speaking of the others, do you already know what their talents and names are?" You asked them.

"Oh, yeah, we've already all introduced ourselves to each other. It may be awkward for you, since you were the last to wake up..." Nagito said.

"There are sixteen of us in total, excluding you. Who have you met so far?" Hajime asked you.

"Hmm...I've met Sonia, Kazuichi, Peko, that girl...what was her name? Oh, Akane...and I've also met Chiaki." You told Hajime.

"So that's 7/16, which makes 9 More left. Do you want to personally meet them or would you like us to tell you who they are?" Hajime asked.

"Uhm, I don't know..." You said, thinking. It would be nice to meet them individually to see what they're like, but then again, it would also be easier to stay with Nagito and Hajime...

"I think it would be nicer if you stayed and let us help you." Nagito offered with a smile. You thought you felt your heart skip a beat as Nagito smiled at you. You realized that he was really, really cute.

"Ye-yeah, I guess I'll stay here." You nodded. After hearing that Nagito wanted you to stay, you almost immediately lost interest in going to meet the other students.

"Okay, okay...who do we start with?" Hajime asked Nagito.

"How about Teruteru?" Nagito asked.

"Hmm? Why him?" Hajime asked.

"I don't know, he's the first one I could think of." Nagito explained himself.

"Wait, which is he..?" You asked them, turning around and looking at the 14 other students.

"He's the short, chubby one who's wearing a chef's hat." Hajime described him as you scanned the group for someone who fit his description.

"Oh, him? He said something to me earlier. I don't remember exactly what it was, though." You told them. Teruteru was the guy in the red, classic chef's outfit.

"He's the ultimate cook." Nagito told you. "But be careful, he can be kind of a creep...saying sexual things all the time, and to everybody."

"Okay...I'll keep that in mind, thanks." You said.

"You see the girl in the orange and green kimono?" Hajime asked as you looked back at the other students. "With the blonde high pigtails. She's the ultimate traditional dancer."

"Wow, she's pretty..." You said, even though you could only see her back. She did, in fact, look very pretty and cute. She was also very, very short and almost looked like she didn't belong in high school.

"That girl with the multi colour hair is the ultimate musician and the girl with the long, dark purple hair is the ultimate nurse." Nagito told you.

Nagito and Hajime tried their best to tell you about all the students. Everybody was unique, as their talents were all very different. There was a photographer (Mahiru Koizumi), a Team manager (Nekomaru Nidai), a breeder (Gundham Tanaka), and even a Yakuza/Gangster (Fyuhiko Kuzuryu) which was that one short kid with blonde hair who didn't look as friendly as everyone else (even though he had quite the babyface).

You had fun talking with Nagito and Hajime. They were really nice and very helpful, too. Although Hajime was cool, you found yourself feeling strangely attracted to Nagito. He was nice, funny, he even seemed a little insecure...but he was really cute. He was tall and his hair was very unique. You had never seen anybody like him before.

For a few minutes, as you talked with them happily, you actually forgot that you had no idea where you were or what was happening. You forgot all your worries for a little while, and you just enjoyed yourself.

But of course, that didn't last very long.


Thanks for reading this chapter!!

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