Chapter Two

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When you woke up, you were in a classroom.

A classroom? You didn't remember entering a classroom. In fact, your memories seemed all fuzzy, but you did remember entering Hope's Peak Academy. That's all.

You were sitting at a desk with your head resting on it.

You looked around the classroom but it seemed pretty plain. You were the only one there, too. You reached for your phone so you could check the time but you couldn't find it.

That was a problem. Your phone was really important. That's where you had all your pictures and your social media and your little games. You started to panic, thinking you may have dropped it somewhere. You tried calming yourself down by thinking you might've just left it at home, but that was unlikely. You never left without your phone.

Since the classroom was empty, you decided it was best to explore the outside. After all, you weren't exactly sure if you were even supposed to be in there.

You reached for the classroom's exit and pushed it open.

To your surprise, you weren't in Hope's Peak academy. Actually, you were outside.

There was a warm breeze that hit your face as you stepped out of the classroom. The weather was warm. It wasn't cold nor was it hot. You could almost call it perfect.

You knew that you definitely weren't in the same city as before. Were you even in a city? As you looked around, you saw a beach. No, it didn't seem like a city, nor a town. It seemed like a resort, maybe.

You walked around in search of other people. You were so confused that you thought there was a chance that you were dreaming. It was just too realistic to be a dream, though. You felt tired and a little dizzy, but you were definitely not dreaming.

You began silently panicking until you turned around and saw people. You stopped and squinted your eyes to see more clearly. There were around sixteen people. Seventeen, including you. They all looked like they were students, too. They were standing around, some were even talking to each other.

Do they know what's going on? You asked yourself, feeling a little bit of hope. Maybe they were just as confused as you? Maybe they had no idea what was going on, either?

As you walked towards the students, one of them noticed you and came towards you as well. She was a pale girl with extremely long, blonde hair with a black bow. She wore a green and white dress with a large red ribbon with a blue and silver jewel on the chest. There was also a boy who seemed to have followed the girl with strangely long, pink hair who wore a yellow mechanic's uniform.

"Excuse me?" She said to you in her soft and calming voice.

"Oh, uh, hello." You said to her, feeling awkward. She was probably the most beautiful person you had ever seen in your entire life. She had a bright smile and she gave off a very friendly aura.

"Do you happen to know what's going on?" She asked you.

"No, haha, that's exactly what I wanted to ask you." You told her, feeling bad that you couldn't give her the answer she wanted.

"Oh, that's too bad. None of us know what's going on." She told you.

"Really?" You asked her as she started walking back to the others and she motioned for you to follow. The pink haired guy, who was kind of just watching the girl, followed as well.

"Yeah. What's your name?" She asked you with a smile.

"I'm (Y/N). How about you?" You asked her back.

"My name is Sonia Nevermind. I'm the ultimate high school level princess." She introduced herself.

"Sonia...Nevermind? Wait, you're a princess? You're Royal??" You began to freak out. The thought of you talking to someone who is important was just...rare. You never thought you'd get the chance to talk to anybody cool.

"Yes, I'm the princess of the kingdom of Novoselic. Guiding my people along the right path is the duty of a ruler!" She cheered and did a cute little pose.

"I'm the ultimate high school level makeup artist." You tell her.

Before Sonia could reply to you, someone else jumped into the conversation.

"I'm Kazuichi Soda." The pink haired guy said.

"Hello." You greeted him kindly, even though he made you slightly uncomfortable.

"You're (Y/N), right? I heard you talking. I'm the ultimate high school level mechanic." He told us.

"Wow! That's cool!" Sonia said as her eyes sparkled.

Kazuichi's face turned pink as he tried leaving a good impression of himself on Sonia.

You couldn't help but feel calmed. Although you had no idea where you were or what was happening, you felt better knowing you weren't alone. Especially since Sonia and Kazuichi both seemed like fairly friendly people.

You took a deep breath in and out and you hoped for the best.

Nagito Komaeda x (Female)ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now