Chapter Sixteen Continued - EDITED

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A/N: Edited by the lovely Janelle Dizard! Thank you so much lovely! You are the greatest! Sorry, for the super chapter but I got stuck and I wanted to post something! I try my best to write a longer chapter in the next two days!



P.s- New Note of May 9, 2012: I just wanted to let you guys know that I probably won't be posting for a while because i'm going To Italy and Paris! I don't get back until the 21st which means I will technically be updating on May 22 Or May 23.  <3 I will miss you all! 

Chapter Sixteen Continued- 


I listened to the hand on Aiden's watch grow louder. Every twenty minutes, he looked down at his watch. But was he waiting for? Ace leaned back in his seat and stretched his legs out. Even Ace seemed disturbed by the quiet silence. He made several attempts to engage his brother in conversation, but Aiden had ignored him each time.When Aiden wasn't watching his watch with weary eyes, he looked across the open road.

We had left the city near four hours ago and now we were approaching the countryside. The countryside of California was beautiful. The mountains seemed to stretch on forever. The sunset hung low over the mountains. The sunset was a hue of dark reds, oranges, and purples. The sky almost looked like a painting. It was just too beautiful to be real.

My window was down and the wind felt warm against my cold cheek. I watched the trees grower smaller and smaller until we drove into oblivion.

I didn't know where we were going. When I asked Ace where we were going, he answered,"I don't know. Let's just see the road goes."

Then, he followed the direction of the wind. We drove for another thirty minutes and then Aiden stopped the car at a local gas station.

"I'm going to kill him!"  Ace said once Aiden had left the car.

He ran his fingers through his hair and pulled at the roots. His eyes were not nearly as dark or angry as before.

His eyes had lightened to a normal light, green. He seemed more relax and less calculating then ever before.

"Why?" I asked, even though I knew why.

Ace turned and placed his arm on the back of the seat.  "He's going crazy."  Ace said.  

What do you mean?" I asked. 

"He's sinking." Ace said.

 "What?" I asked.  

Ace forced a tired smile but I missed his slow, easy, smile that I had grown so accustomed to.

"He's becoming too depressed." He said, "I haven't since him this depressed since....." 

"Tell me."  I said.

I knew he wouldn't tell me. He never told me anything. 

"You know I can't." He said.

"Is it your secret or Aiden's secret?"  I asked.

I knew I had hit a nerve because he didn't answer me. And Ace also fired back with quick, witty, responses to my questions. The door opened and Aiden slid back into the car. Ace never answered my question.  Under Aiden's arm was a pack of cigarettes. 

"You didn't get me anything?"  Ace teased. He tried to get a rise out of Aiden but Aiden refused to even look in his direction.

"You are so inconsiderate. You could of at least brought back of a few sodas." Ace said.

 Aiden dropped the pack of cigarettes in Ace's lap. "I brought the cigarettes for you, you idiot." 

He pulled a lite of his right pocket, "Lit up!"  Ace laughed and the sound vibrated through his whole body. 

"I thought you hated it when I smoked?" Ace asked. 

Aiden looked at his brother, "I use to. But now, I figure it might kill you faster and then I won't have to deal with you."  Aiden said.

 I gasped out loud.

I had never heard something so awful before.

I watch as fire lit the end of the Ace didn't seem hurt by the comment. He just shrugged off it. He leaned in closer and placed a cigarette between his lips.

Aiden lit the cigarette stick. Ace quickly blew out of the flame.

A raft smoking suffocated the entire car. Ace opened all the windows but longs continued to burn. I placed my head out of the window. I couldn't stand the burning, toxic smell.  Aiden rolled his eyes.

"What?" Ace said.  "Nothing."Aiden sneered.

I watched as Ace's chest heaved up and down.

He hissed and moaned as smoke left his mouth. He lit another cigarette. 

Apparently, he was enjoying the adrenaline rush of the nicotine.

Soon, the smoke was so intense that I felt my own eyes watering and tearing.

 My throat had closed up and it felt too tight.

"Ace reached for another cigarette, but Aiden's hand wrapped around his wrist. 

"I think you've had enough." Aiden said.  

"Oh wow, here, I thought you didn't care about me!" Ace said. Aiden didn't respond to his brother's sarcastic remark.

The drive seemed to grow longer and longer. Eventually, we approached a hotel. The hotel looked almost empty and it was by no means a nice hotel. 

Aiden pulled a wad of twenties of the pocket and threw the crash to his brother.

" You two can get your own room." He said. 

"Its a waste of money when we all can fit into one room." Ace argued.

"I know, but I want my own room." He said.

Aiden pulled the car into the parking lots and turned off the engine. He left the car.

 Ace shook his head, "He's such an idiot " 

Ace lead me into the hotel and we checked in. It took us nearly an hour to book the hotel. We finally made up it upstairs to the room. We both shoved our bags into the closet.

Ace flopped down on the bed and sighed. At least, he was considerate enough to book a hotel with two beds. 

"So this is the beginning of a new life?" I asked. I sat next to Ace and he wrapped his arms tightly around my waist. I was great to have the warm comfort his embrace.

 "This is the life of the road, babe."  He whispered and kissed my forehead.

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