The Demon and Devil

Start from the beginning

Its face consists of those completely white eyes and a hollow line through middle showing complete emptiness inside the skull. All four legs are different lengths and have backwards joints. I'm completely sickened. How do you help a monster that is so far past the point of saving?

I want to run. I want to stay and help. I want to fight. How can you do it all? How can I do it all?

I made my decision quickly. I will stand my ground. Yep, that's right. This kitten has claws. Rawr.

It made another lunge for me. I flailed back with a girlish yip.

I'm in way over my head.

Falling onto my butt, I look at the demon towering over me in what was likely to be my last moments.

I silently wish I could have said goodbye to my loved ones. I realize that in this short amount of time my love ones have changed dramatically. What used to be mom and dad, my best friend, and my crush, the people who surrounded me for sixteen years. Now, the people that fill my head are, Miki, Renji, and even Merikh. Crazy how you can just realize your entire life up until that one point is a complete waste of time.

"Heheh, my my Claudio dear. You're in quite the bind aren't you?"

I take that back. I never once wanted to say goodbye to that bastard Merikh. I hate him, so much!

I look away from IT anyway. Just for one second even though I know who it is. Right now I love and hate him all at the same time. He looks godly, standing merely ten feet away with his signature smirk. I have never been so happy to that face...


"Merikh! Help me!" I plead to him.

"I'd love to but I can't hee hee." He replied with absolutely no sincerity.

The feeling of relief I had is now gone as I dodge another swipe from the menacing beast, "Why not?!" Tears threatened to spill as I lay here knowing that S.O.B is my only chance of survival.

I breathe heavily as he replies in a chipper tone, "Heheh I'm stuck behind this barrier here hee hee," He tapped on some sort of invisible wall, sounds like he is tapping on a window.

"Why's there a barrier?!" I cry and dance away once more, dodging the demon's sluggish attack.

"Well because it's meant to trap the demon, duh. Heheh, I'd take it down to let you out but, heheh our system's going through monthly maintenance, hee hee. You lucky ducky! Heheh, you're trapped in there until the demon's dead hee hee!" Why is he always the happiest when I'm not?!

What he's not thinking about is, what if I die, because that's the most likely outcome. Let's think of this rationally, there's no way in hell I'm going to make it out of here alive, I'm surprised I've lasted this long!

I tripped out of the way of another attack and in response demon let out a roar of annoyance.

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