My Unfulfilled Wish

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I look like a moppet.


"Heheh I think you look cute. Hee hee." Merikh walked over to me and grabbed my waist pulling me close to him - once again.

I tried to break free of his grasp on my hips, “Hey, what the fuck! Get off me! Haven’t you heard of a little thing called personal space?!”

Merikh only pulled me closer, his hot breath on my neck. “Whores like you don’t deserve personal space,” He rasped into my ear in a low sexy tone.

My body sagged against his. His words were harsh, but why did they make me feel so good? He kept breathing on my neck, I closed my eyes trying to imagine if this were some other man. Would I still be responsive?

I was violently pushed away from him, right into the mirror. My body slammed against it, first my hands, then head, then shoulders and torso. I stood still perched alongside it. The glass had cracked and dug into my skin. Shards were wedged into my hands and cheeks. I slid down the mirror, digging the broken glass in further. Crimson spattered everywhere.

I heard footsteps behind me, he was moving away from me. Silently. Without words the door opened and I was left to be by myself. As broken as the mirror, I slid away. Repulsed at what I saw around me I closed my eyes.

Scarlet coated everything.

It drenched the clothes I wore, the mirror, and the floor. Tears filled my eyes and I my shoulders shook slightly. Now tears were streaming down my face and the slight shaking turned violent. I sobbed and shrieked, banging my fists down and pulling my hair right off my scalp.

Leaning against the wall I yanked the clothes off my body. I touched my battered blood and tear stained face and slammed myself against the wall. I choked and sobbed and unsteadily got to my feet where I kicked the mirror in frustration. I let out a series of howls and screeches threw whatever I could, whatever was nearest against the wall.

I started walking around the room kicking things, pillows, tables, vases. I let out another scream of frustration and ran around the room sobbing and fall over myself. I jumped on several pieces of furniture and kicked the wall several times before I fell off.

I let myself lay there, whimpering in the silence. I curled into a ball and thought about what I had just done. What was the point in all of that? It wouldn’t make him come back. It wouldn’t heal my injuries. My physical and mental injuries. I’d thrown a temper tantrum for absolutely no reason.

I choked out a few more sobs before dragging myself to the bed. The bathroom would’ve been a better option but not nearly as soft and comforting as the bed. It smelled like him. Like Merikh.

I started crying again. This time the noise I made was minimal, like a small child. The kind you see in movies with ringlets and giant eyes- the adorable factor. I’m not saying I’m adorable because right now, I’m far from it. But it did console me that if someone did walk in here I’d at least have the pity factor on my side.

If anything I could go to Lana and say he tortured me, did experiments. One of the outcomes being that my hair turned blond. It was tempting, but I decided Merikh was a bit scarier and (sadly) seemingly more powerful than Lana.

My body ached and I could feel the glass burrowing deeper into my flesh. Ignoring that I heaved a fluffy pillow closer to me, it smelled like him. He smells like peppermint- and sex, I noted angrily. It was that eighty-percent sweaty musky smell that (I think) is to die for mixed along with twenty-percent cologne or perfume. Dead sexy.

My head popped up from the bloodied pillow. Who was Merikh having sex with? He’s a freak, what women or man would have sex with that sadistic bastard?

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