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“Now Claudio, heheh. Shall we go get you settled down, heheh.”



Alone with Merikh.

He grabbed my arm, dragging me through vast ghoulish hallways filled with the sounds of tortured souls. Probably more of Merikh’s experiments.

I shivered but let him tow me through winding labyrinths and got to thinking. Once you got past the creepy, appalling, sickening side of Merikh he was quite childish. Like a kid in a candy store, except his candy store was life.

I smiled and looked at him. He was skipping and humming ajoyful tune with a giant grin on his face.

What a demented three year old.

Having that thought in my head lead me to believe Merikh wasn’t that bad. Until I looked at him once more. His grin wasn’t that of joy but that of a sadist. His tune sounded joyful but was twisted. I felt as if he were leading me to my death, one that would be as crazy and disturbed as Merikh.

I tried to jerk my hand away but an insipid hand with long blood red claws gripped me firmly.

“No, no. Heheh. We won’t be having any of that Claudio. Hee hee. It would make me sad, heheh!” Merikh’s skipping sped up and I found myself stumbling to catch up to my nearly mutilated arm.

My heart along with Merikh’s prancing got faster. Each beat more raucous than the last. My breathing got shallow, I’m not sure if it was from being out of shape or the fact that I had a psychopath dragging to the depths of hell.

Little dramatic there but it sounded fitting.

“Merikh,” I wheezed. “Where-“ Deep breath, “Are we-“ I choked. “Going?” I put my hand on my chest, pain filled it.

“To our room. Heheh.”

Psychopathic freaks lie right?

“Our room?” I emphasized ‘our’, there will never be anything that we share, there will always be my things, and his things.

“I want to run overnight tests on you but I can’t be going down to the lab every time I get a piece of information. So I have equipment in my room. It pleases me. Heheh.”

Dedication right there.

“Huh, so where will I be sleeping?” I questioned, even after knowing him for such a short time I would guess I’ll be sleeping with him.

“Heheh, the floor. Hee hee.”

Excuse you?

“That doesn’t work for me.” Hell nah! I am not sleeping on the floor no matter what he says. I’m a spoiled bitch and that will not change!

“You could sleep in a cage. Heheh.”

“Wow, the floor sounds nice. Carpet or hardwood?” Screw my aesthetics; I am not sleeping in a cage.

“Heheh, I dunno. Hee hee.”

“You’ve never looked at the floor.”

“I’ve never questioned my floor, it allows me to stand never-endingly on it and walk wherever I need to walk. I’ve never once thought about its material, because thoughts like that have already been tread upon. Heheh.”


“What kind of scientist are you. Shouldn’t scientists be like… Curious about the entire world or something.”

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