Chapter 15

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I heard a loud thump through the line, my aunt must have dropped the phone. I heard yelling and then barking.
"Y/N sweetie is- is it really you? Your voice is beautiful."
"I miss you."
"Oh I miss you too sweet girl. How's Calum?"
He's doing just wonderful, last time I saw him I ripped out his heart and fucking spit on it, oh and did I mention he lied to the both of us?
"H-he's fine."
I took a deep breath.
"Aunt May? Did, did you know Calum was lying to me this whole time?"
She sighed through the phone.
"Y/N I want you to sit down."
I looked at Ashton who motioned towards his room, he stood up and walked away, leaving me alone with what my aunt had to say.
"After that day of you two drawing on concrete, I had talked to Joy. She and I both agreed that you two should be friends. I thought he could protect you and you would keep him steady. We prompted him to be with you and around you, but after 6th grade he didn't need anymore prompting. He enjoyed hanging out with you. I knew he was in love with you when he started coming over everyday after school."
"You told him to be my friend?"
"Yes. But he wanted to be your friend. He chose to love you."
I hung up the phone. I stood up walking into Ashton's room.
"I have to go, but can I ask you something?"
He nodded and smiled as he sat up in his bed.
'Would you want to go on a date with me sometime?'
I couldn't believe it but after I had finished singing his smile grew bigger and I could feel my lips curl up into a shy smile.
I walked out of the apartment and headed home, back to the boy who broke my heart.

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