Chapter 13

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"I lied to you because I wanted to protect you. Lying was the only thing I thought would protect you from every goddamn rotten thing this world has to offer. I didn't want to see the girl I love be torn apart by monsters. I couldn't and wouldn't live with myself if that happened y/n. As soon as you fell out of that tree I knew damn well I wasn't going to let anything happen to you. I took so much shit for you. I sacrificed so much for you, but guess what? We do what we must to keep the people we love safe."
"You don't lie to the people you love Calum."
My voice came out shaky, I turned to face him, he was crying again.
"You don't get to use that excuse on me. You don't love me, you love the thought of someone always being there for you no matter what. You wouldn't have had sex with all those girls if you loved me. You wouldn't have pitied me if you loved me. So Calum Hood, you do not get to say you love me because that is a lie. You're in love with the thought of me. You're in love with the thought of me being silent as you tear down my life."
He started to cry more, I spit on the ground between us and smudged my shoe into it. I let one final tear fall from my face and then I walk away from him. I walk away from the person who I've known my whole life. Calum and I's relationship was dead and over. Maybe I was right. I do kill everyone I open my mouth and talk to.

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