Chapter 12

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I smiled.
"Fuck you Calum!"
I yelled it to the city below me, I could see the red lights from the emergency vehicles light up the park. I look at my watch 12:34 am. Calum's most likely asleep or with Tori. He doesn't seem to care about me anyways, no point in him going out to look for me. I lay down on my back staring up at the stars. I make out the familiar M constellation called 'Cassiopeia'. When I couldn't sleep at night I found myself staring at the stars, studying them. Cassiopeia was the hardest one for me to find, so as soon as I found her, I would fall asleep. The night before senior year I had showed her to Calum. He kept saying he couldn't find it. Every time I would point at it, I could see his head turn and face me, out of the corner of my eye. I could feel his eyes burning holes into my skin. Every chance he got he would tell me a joke, causing me to show him teeth as my smile grew. I wish we could back to then, when I didn't know the truth. When everything was a lie. Everything's changed now. I don't think I'll ever be able to look at him the same.
"I knew you'd come back here."
The sound of his voice causes me to stiffen.
"Y/N please know I never said that stuff. I never meant for you to get hurt by her or me for that matter. I-I called the police they tracked your phone to the fountain in the park, I was so scared you'd done something awful-"
"You'd like that wouldn't you?"
I stood up and faced him, his eyes were huge and his mouth hung agape.
"You'd like to know I hurt myself over you."
"D-Did you just, did you just talk?"
"Fuck you Calum Hood. Fuck you for thinking I'd hurt myself over you. Fuck you for lying to me for all these years. Fuck you for giving me hope when there never was any."
A tear streams down my face and Calum's mouth closes. I walk past him and bump his shoulder.
"You're right, I did lie to you."

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