Chapter 11

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For the first few years that I lived with my aunt, I would have nightmares. I would dream of me speaking and bugs flying out of my mouth, killing whoever I was talking to. Looking back it, it was stupid of me not to speak. I realize it was just a nightmare, a night terror, but it was too late to change it. My voice box is most likely shot. I'd probably sound like a 5 year old. I watch the stars and take a deep breathe. My phone starts vibrating, Calum's contact comes up, I huff and stand up, walking to the water fountain. I drop my phone into it and begin to walk out of the park. I hear sirens go off but I keep going in the same direction. I arrive at Calum and I's spot, the candles have been blown out and it was vacant. I sit down on the edge of the cliff side and look out. Everything Calum had ever down to me and for me was a lie. Everything was a lie. He never cared about me. He just wanted to look like the good guy. The attractive guy and willingly hangs out with the freak girl who doesn't talk. Everything I had ever told him was probably spilled to everyone. Anything he said to me wasn't true. He must of told all the girls he hooked up with he just pitied me, felt bad that I was different from everyone else. He made me think I had someone. He made me believe I could trust him with everything and anything I had. He gave me hope.
"Fuck you Calum Hood."

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