Chapter One

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It was the first day of school. This time, it was a first day unlike any other. You weren't going to just any regular school.

No, you were going to a very prestigious academy.

Hope's Peak Academy.

You were excited and of course, dying of anxiety. You were extremely nervous thinking that you wouldn't fit in. The possibility that everyone else is extremely intelligent while you're just there, being good at makeup.

Makeup's nothing special, right? You asked yourself, still confused as to why you were accepted into the Academy. All you do is apply makeup to people. You thought you were nothing different from an average person and you never would've called yourself anything close to "Talented".

"Is this it?" You asked yourself aloud as you stopped in front of a large academy. It was your first time ever seeing it in real life since you lived kind of far away.

You took a deep breath before entering the Academy's gates and looking around. There were countless students, all intelligent and talented. From Musicians to Athletes, you felt as though didn't come anywhere close to as amazing as them.

As you bravely entered the Academy, you started to feel dizzy, which was strange, because you made sure you got a decent amount of sleep last night and you had a full breakfast. Before you could take another step, you collapsed onto the brown carpeted floor and lost consciousness.

Nagito Komaeda x (Female)ReaderNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ