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Your eyes glazed across the piece of an overly expensive piece of paper that spread open over the palms of your hands.
'If not followed, you will get expelled from school and it would be a shame if your parents just happened to be fired :) '

"What the hell, this is blackmail?!" You exclaimed as the room turn silent, have they got no shame? First, they go make fun of your best friend but as soon as you stand up for her you get blackmailed and the school doesn't give a shit, that's just great.
Not to mention that F/N was also involved.

"Look we are famous, so little shits like you have no right to have a say in this" Jongkook mocked in a belittling manner as his eyes fell onto the small female before tripping F/N, making sure she landed on the floor which caused her to hiss while rubbing the side of her ankle with a miserable pout.

"Ok you that's it I have had enough!" He sure was asking for it as you swung your fist into his lower torso the moment your fingertips reached up, tangled in his collar.
He may be breathtaking but it was your time to take his breath away as you kicked him where the sun doesn't shine.
"Do that once more and forget about having any kids!".

You did try to keep your cool, but it was hard u till you felt a hand pulling you back.
" little shits huh?" You showered to the side only to see Suga staring right into your eyes, you never talked but always seemed to make eye contact.

Never the less you made sure to concentrate on helping F/N up as you lead her towards the door, this day was getting worse and worse by the second.
But the moment you reached for the door you once again were stopped by a hand resting against the door.
"Look im trying to be patient but you're making it hard" a deep irritated voice shot into your eyes, Suga's eyes sure were deadly.

F/N wobbled along until her eyes settled on you, she gave you the 'so it was him' look before forming a judgemental expression.

"If we agreed to the contract then what would we have to do? " F/N asked awkwardly, breaking the suffocating silence only to cause Suga to smirk as his eyes brushed against yours
"it depends" You could feel your heart about to burst as you struggled to push him away but it didn't work, the distance between the two of you decreasing further.
"Weren't you all hard and mighty a couple of seconds ago, now look at you" he whispered with a grin, you tried to look away.

"Ahem, well to answer your question, you would need to follow our orders and be like our personal maids" Jin spoke so casually that you just thought he was joking.
But he wasn't.
He really wasn't.

"You guys must be nuts..." you exclaimed after you broke eye contact with the devil beside me.

"This is going too far im going to le.."

"We all know your families are having financial problems and its easy for us to fix that"

Really? They have officially gone mad, first bullying then blackmail and now a background check and making you two their 'personal' maids.
They must be nuts.
"Sorry, we have to go" you scoffed as you barged past the door and left .

Though at the time it seemed like a good decision, you sure we're going to regret it.

~~Helloit'ss me and i apoligise the story is a bit of a mess so facts that i didnt mention=

Bts are the rich kids with perants who work for big companies and are part of the hoverment.

Jungkook is still laying on the floor from the shock and pain(sorry to all the Jungkook lovers)

Jimin is just standing there looking purrfect and Suga ......Suga is just hot😂😚

The other side  ~reader x Yoongi~ {Compleated}Where stories live. Discover now