Because this is just the Beginning!

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Caroline POV

Well why do our parents torture us? What sick pleasure do they get in digging and sharing old embarassing memories? Certain questions have hidden answers. For eg. They are the parents hence they have the copyright to humiliate you!

Yes. Right now I want the earth to open up somehow and swallow me. Today is a really special day for me. Yup you have guessed it right. I am about to get married to my love, my baby, my Klaus. It has been a roller coaster of emotions swelling within me. Happiness, Excitement, name it and I feel it all today.

And my parents, whom I can hear all the way from down the hall due to my exceptional powers, mind you...are telling the Originals my childhood stories. Especially the most embarassing ones!!

"....and then out of nowhere she comes out of the bushes in our backyard..after what seems like hours with a cute little bunny...looking all dirty and with leaves stuck in her hair...asking me to make the rabbit her new sister..." my Dad explained to  Klaus and Lijah imitating my lisp as well.

To my horror both of them laughed like maniacs at what he said.

"Lets not forget the fact that the bunny turned out to be a he...a brother for our Carebear". Mom said in mock seriousness.

Silence for a second and then all the three including Kol my new prankster gonna be brother in law laughed. Yup...he came back to attend the wedding. They were all having a great time. I huffed mentally.

"Looks like Liz and Bill are having a real good time with my brothers. What do you say?" Becca asked in her usual bitchy ice queen style.

Becca and me had come a long way. She had called me a slut when we had first met each other. And today she was helping me to get dressed for my very own wedding. Who would have thought that we would turn out to be friends one day...actually sisters after today.

"Oh you dont really know them. By the end of this day they will adopt all you guys. And all you guys will be able to do is Smile. Thats us Forbes family. Always bringing everyone together." I replied.

"Its almost time. You wanna head downstairs...Mrs Caroline Mikaelson?" She winked through the mirror.

"Yeah...why not...after all I am the 1st Original Wife.."I said with a hint a mock superiority.

Klaus POV

If someone would have told me a few months back that today you will be getting married to your soulmate I would have laughed on his face. But now things are different. Now I have my mate, my Caroline who loves me more than anything in this world.

I still remember that day. It had been only 3 weeks of our engagement when she had asked me...

" you want a long engagement? All I want is to be your wife, what matters to me is being your wife not a big fat white wedding. Just family and close friends. A simple way to be together. Why this wait? Can't we take our vows sooner?"

And my answer was...Yes. My wolf was pineing from day one to call her mine in each and every possible way. And look how here I am standing with Kol and Elijah as my two best men. Waiting for my love to walk down this have her in my arms forever.

And my thoughts were kind of synchronized with Carolines. Because that very second a beautiful goddess, full of light, like a bright star in a dark sky, started walking towards me. She looked so pure. Her special smile and twinkling eyes spoke of all the promises we were planning to share with one another. Her father kept my loves hand in mine and walked away with a teary smile.

I forget all the cheers, the hootings and clapping. What lingered in my mind for hours was her soft yet strong promise of
'I DO'. We were announced husband and wife. And what brought me back to reality was the kiss that we shared. A kiss full of passion, love, togetherness and a future filled with happiness.

"So..." I asked in a teasing tone to my now lawfully wedded wife.

"So...what?" My wife asked me in her playful voice.

"Here we are. This is what you wanted right? A simple wedding... with friends and family. All you wanted was to be with me as your..." I said in coy.

"My Husband!!" My wife claimed me. And that gave me a sense of great pleasure.

"Sweetheart...I wonder..what you would have done if I hadn't found you in the park that day? I should be thankful to my siblings for pissing me off that day. What if things did not go the way they did? I would have lost the chance to meet my Wife." I said all serious now.

"I am the Original Hybrid's Queen.. my dear Husband. Yes it was pure luck and I could have lost the opportunity to meet you if cards of life had played wrong. But my Soul Thread would have pushed me towards you no matter the place. Even if you were residing in the remote corners of Antarctica...I would have found you. We are like 2 sides of  magnets Klaus. The surroundings dont matter. We are just irresistible to one another." Caroline whispered in my ears as we danced to yet another song of our beautiful wedding.

To all my readers...

It has a been a great pleasure to see how so many have gone through my work. This fiction is my baby. My very first step into fanfiction world. Since this was more of an experiment. I had to end it. The idea for this Klaroline fiction just striked me one day. This is my imaginery way of bringing together the two most beautiful souls of tvd/to together.

P.S. I cannot promise but will write an outtake to bring this beautiful journey to a full circle.

Thank you...comments are appreciated by the way.

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