Controlling this thing called: Mind

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Nobody's POV

At times strange things surround you and your mind. Grasping and coping becomes difficult. And having a mind to control all of it is a wonder in itself. Age and maturity helps. However inexperience and forced choice is a teacher in itself. You learn to manage and excercise control with time.

Carolines POV

I do not remember much. But right now Apollos words were ringing in my ears.


"You will meet Klaus in Chicago. And he will be your destiny your other half. Together you two will change the world. You are special Caroline. You have some of my powers too. You are the first immortal. Because your mate is a 1000 years old hybrid. Its time child. Go to Chicago. And there your Soul thread will be pulled towards him. Go be with him dear. You have my blessing."

My powers were supposes to activate post our bonding. I suppose that is what happened. I can vaguely recall Elijah and Becca along with Klaus calling my name and trying to calm me down. My voice became hoarse after screaming for so long. I fell on the bed with a thud and felt weird sensations in my body. And probably fainted  with exhaustion.

I woke up to Klaus holding my hand in his and caressing my forehead with his other. He seems a bit blurry. But looked pretty aweful. I suppose me gaining my powers left him worried.

Klaus POV

She woke up after 7 hours. It took me a while to realize that the reason why my Caroline was in so much pain was the fact she was in the middle of being blessed by her god Apollo.

I was scared to hell. After making passionate love to my fiance all I wanted was to have sleep in her loving arms. But I think being one with my love was what brought her powers to her.

"Klaus...." Caroline murmurinv my name brought me back from my thoughts.
I quickly took her hand in mine. She looked somewhat relieved.

"Hey...sweetheart, you alright?What happened?Do you feel somewhat different now that...?" I asked anxiously.

"I am alright baby. Now everything makes sense. I spoke to Apollo in my dreams and recieved a lot more knowledge about me and my powers and myself..." Her voice went on and all lightness and excitement..reading auras, healing broken souls, sheilding from dangers and most importantly the one that made her just for me..immortality.

A few days later..

"I am tired Lijah...can we stop for sometime..." Caroline pleaded my oh so noble brother.

Yes you guessed it right. Elijah had taken the responsibility of training my love. According to him she needed this to feel more secure in terms of her powers. And even I felt that she deserved this. Not that I am not with her constantly. But still...if in case for some reason we have to be away from one another or something, she should be able to defend herself. This would also surprise her opponent.

Elijah's response made me laugh.

" your future brother in law its my personal suggestion to you. Try to concentrate on the opponent when fighting next time...rather than checking out Klaus.."

My poor fiance was ogling me for a while  now and she thought I had not noticed yet.
She blushed like a beautiful rose at being caught. But then something in her expression changed. Mischievious eyes darted towards me.

"Well...when you have a hot bad ass boyfriend cum too would ogle him". She laughed...this woman...she practically called Elijah a gay and then giggled like a kid.

Elijah smiled at her words. He too considered my love as family now. A man of not too many words Lijah took care of her. He was showing or should I say welcoming her in our family by doing so.

Becca too had taken my love under her wing. On one hand my sister acted all bitchy and ignorant and on the other hand she tried to help out Caroline with shopping and fashion advices. Strange siblings of mine I tell you.

Carolines POV

I practically had no time to breath. I was basking in the glory of..being with Klaus as his fiance, practicing my skills and powers along with finding time to talk to my parents.

Things were changing for good. I was now fiancee to the Hybrid King of this world. And to be loved by Klaus felt like being on cloud 9.

And now that I had somehow bonded with my mates family I felt it was time to make them realize that everything had to be forgiven and forgotten. It was time to move ahead rather than dwelling on the 1000 year old arguements and fights.

I walked into Klaus' study where he was busy reading a book written in a language unknown to even my ancestors. He looked up when I came in and sat in his lap.

"How may I help you Miss...?" He said in a flirtacious tone. Oh so he wanted to play huh.

"I was thinking of taking advantage of such a hot guy sitting in my study?" I said in a demanding tone.

"Oh really my love...your wish is my command then!" He said and kissed me thoroughly. He was about to begin certain things when I stopped him. I had to approach him now. Make my thoughts clear to him.

"Baby I want to talk to you about something." I said being all serious now.

"Yes my love." Klaus had his attention completely on my words now.

"I just feel that..that..soon we will get married. And I will become a part of this family officially. As future Mrs. Mikaelson and Alpha female I have duties. These duties are not just limited for outsiders and enemies. Family too needs my attention. My future siblings too have wishes to which I should cater to." I said almost in a whisper.

"Be very specific Caroline." He stated. He knew what I wanted. Its now or never Caroline say it I motivated myself.

"Klaus. I want you to forgive your family for all the times they ignored you, fought with you and betrayed you. I know its not something that is easy for you to do. You cannot handle disloyality and here I am asking you to forgive the same. But please believe me this is for the better. Fight your inner demons and be the bigger person. Be the brother they need and longed for. Do not lash out or show rage. Be a family. Be together. If not for your or my sake...then for a family that we might have one day. I would want a support system for our children. They would want to know their aunt and uncles..right?"

5 long minutes. Silence. But his face spoke volumes. His expression changed like the flipping of butterfly wings. Angry, fierce, sadness, grudge, disappointment, smile, hope and lastly acceptance.

He nodded. No more words were said. But his eyes said it all. He was ready. But we would do it together I promised to his eyes. And he understood.

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