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"And that was the story, told in the eyes of the Silver Wolf," finished Demi, smiling down at her four pups in front of her. Her two daughters: Paws and Nyota (KNEE-OAT-A), and her two sons: Ahote (AH-HOO-TAY) and Dyami (DEE-AM-Mi).

They were looking up at her with wide eyes; gleaming with excitement. Paws was practically bouncing where she sat; she was obviously eager to ask something but didn't dare. Demi turned her blue gaze on her white and ginger daughter. "You have something to ask, Paws?"

"Yes, Mama! Wha' happened to that Silver Wolf and her friends - and her mate?" the flurry of questions hit Demi's ears like a wave of water.

"Slow down there, Paws. She had puppies and is probably somewhere else by now; with her pack." she answered; a smile on her face.

"But Mama, she had YOUR name - are you sure this isn't wha' happen to you?" asked Nyota, standing on her back legs and placing her front paws on Paws' head.

Demi chuckled. "No darling, this didn't happen to me. If it did, I would have some evidence wouldn't I?" asked Demi gently; her eyes were secretly gleaming with pride and something else. "Anyway, its time for bed, pups. I've been telling this story for hours now."

"Awww but Mama! We're not -"  Dyami yawned mid sentence. "a bit sleepy..." Even as he said that, his head began to droop onto his brother's back.

"Come on you four, I'll be outside on the ridge if you need me," probed Demi, nudging the pups into a huddle. As she turned to leave, the light showed the side she had kept hidden in the shadows; the side where the jugular scar was. Paws gasped silently as she spotted this and laid her head on her sister's back; closing her eyes. She slept with a knowing smile on her face.

Demi sat on the ridge, looking over the camp and looking into the distance, watching the sun as it sank slowly to sleep in the sky. Demi lifted her nose to the wind as it caressed her chest fur; in the wind she heard a familiar voice:

That's my girl....

Demi smiled and looked into the clouds; she knew that voice from anywhere. "Hey, honey." called another familiar voice. Demi drew her attention from the clouds and looked at the black-furred male, with claw scars on his rump, who clambered up the ramp.

"Hey, Shadow dear. How was the patrol?" asked Demi, rubbing her head under his chin when he came and sat beside her.

"Oh, all is quiet Dem. Anyways, what story did you tell the pups today?" he asked, licking her on the ear.

"Oh....just a story...about a silver wolf who went through a lot and came out as leader of a Pack." replied Demi sweetly, turning away with a grin on her face.

"Oh?" asked Shadow, his smile knowing. "And who would that wolf be, my love?"

Demi chuckled and turned to look into the distance at the first star that had appeared. "The story that we lived, my love.....Our story.."

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