Chapter 12

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The shock of Layla's death never left me - it had been too sudden and cruel. Now, you could say that I was an orphan. Anyway, after about another six months after leaving Layla's cove, I woke up in the middle of the night. I was a yearling now - still in training to be become a middle ranking wolf.

The happy, living memories about me and Layla playing together in the clearing were in my dreams and I had woken because I had wanted to look at Layla and smile; remembering the day's playfulness like I had done as a pup. But, Layla was dead and no memory of our times together was going to replace the emptiness that was in my heart. Not wanting to go back to sleep, I picked my way carefully between the sleeping bodies of the other apprentices; including Lara, Lupin and Shadow then I crept out the entrance.

I sat down on the night-cool grass; looking up into the stars - imagining that all of my known family were up there. Watching over me from above. The night air was cool and crisp with the autumn freshness; when Layla had gone, it had been the last few weeks of summer and now it was autumn - six months later; which was unusually long. I had visited Layla's grave at least once per month with my friends; which always reminded me of when I had seen her body lying in the middle of the clearing and how she had never said goodbye. But, that wasn't the only thing on my mind - the plan that I had wanted to inflict on Holly wasn't put into action for six months - my grief made me numb inside.

Over the course of the six months, I had begun noticing that, recently, Lara had been slightly more attentive to my conversations and she was jumpy whenever anyone called her name. It worried me; this wasn't the same Lara who I had met all that time ago - she had been playful, quiet, bouncy and fun but now; she jumped at the slightest sound.

When she thought I wasn't watching, she often crept into this one clump of bushes away from everyone else. I had been confused; especially at night when she often mumbled in her sleep and her paws would move of their own accord. Suddenly, I heard someone walking up behind me; out of the apprentice den.

"Hey; you okay, Whisper?" whispered a familiar female voice. I turned my head to see who it was; it was Lara. This made me all the more suspicious about her - Lara was a heavy sleeper, so what was she doing up at the exact same moment that I was? I nodded my head in answer and in greeting. She padded over and sat next to me; looking up into the sky.

"Still missing her, are you?" she asked, quietly. I didn't reply. "Still blaming Adeline for her death?" This time, I nodded. These questions were strange - the one about her asking me if I missed Layla being normal but, the blaming Adeline question was really not like Lara to ask. I gave her a look that was suspicious but she wouldn't meet my eye. I had also seen Holly go to the same clump of bushes after Lara had gone; using her mentor calling her as an excuse. Lara kept looking up at the stars and I went back to looking at them - in silence.  Suddenly, another voice was heard.

"Lara! What are you doing up?!" hissed a quiet voice. "You should be asleep." Lara was looking behind her, ears lowered apologetically. I turned my head to see, yet again, who it was that was speaking. This time it was Lupin and she didn't look happy about Lara being out of bed - yet she wasn't angry at me for being up. I wondered why. Lara was embarrassed and apologetic at the same time when she looked at Lupin. Without a word of why, she went back into the den and curled up in her spot - quickly falling asleep. Too quick.

"She gives me an unstable feeling." muttered Lupin quietly as she came and sat by me. "Lately, she's been acting the opposite of what we all know her to be. She seems more scared and nervous - not like herself, playful, a social know."

"Its not like her, Lupin - you got that right. She never gets up when I get up to look up at my Star family and she never jumped at the call of her name unlike she does now. What's going on with her?" I answered quietly, looking at Lupin while she looked at the sky. All my instincts were telling me that something was up with Lara - which I knew anyway. Holly had been acting strange too. I swear that she was hinting at something when she mocked me; saying how I trusted in others too much - which confused me. Suddenly, Lupin let out a sigh and began whispering to me again.

"Look, I guess - since we know everything about you, Demi." whispered Lupin, a hint of sadness and regret in her voice. "You might as well know everything about me. There's...something that I haven't told you before; because I wasn't sure if you could keep a secret. But now I am sure. Please, Demi - will you listen to everything about me?"

I nodded and I made an exact mental diary of everything she said - so I will tell you her story now as I heard it.

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