Chapter 9

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I had my back to the rock wall. There was no hope of escape now - all I could hope for was that either she made it quick or Mother appeared - miraculously - out of nowhere just in time.

Holly gave a growly sort of laugh then launched herself at me; teeth first. Suddenly, my instincts told me to move, so I did just that. I managed to move myself out the way and Holly landed just short of the rock wall and she whirled round to face me - her pup teeth bared and her eyes filled with the same hunger I had seen when she went for Lupin's throat. I backed away; terrified and not willing to fight back - just to stay alive was my will.

Suddenly, before I could react, Holly leaped at me again. There was no time to duck, all I could do was stand there and let her teeth sink into my throat.

But it never came to that. A loud growl occurred and Holly was snagged out of the air by an adult. My mother had found me! She threw Holly a few feet away and snarled, placing herself in front of me while I crouched behind her. Holly snarled her pup snarl but quickly backed off when Mother bared her fangs at her. I hid myself behind Mother and Holly finally got the hint that this battle couldn't be won. She gave one last glare and growl at me, then raced away through the undergrowth. Mother turned to face me, worry in her eyes but smiling.

"You okay, little one?" she asked, giving me an affectionate lick on the head. I was happy that she had saved me but she still had some explaining to do. She picked me up by my scruff and walked back to our clearing and den. I noticed that there was blood running down her left leg staining her white fur but she seemed more worried about my safety than her health at that point. It began raining when we reached the clearing and Mother put me down so that I could run to the den. She limped quickly after me.

When we were in the den, she began cleaning her shoulder while I nuzzled into her fur; her tail wrapped over her back legs and by my side. I knew she loved me like a daughter and I couldn't deny that I loved her as my mother, but I was still confused. Could I call her my mother when she had said that a past Alpha Lily was my mother?

"Mother...why was Adeline after me? And are you my real mother?" I asked quietly. She asked me what on earth made me think I told her about my dreams; about the pup in the dreams who looked like me and how she was in the dream too.

Everything came out in the end. She told me everything about her past - and she shed some light on my dreams. She told me that my dreams were in fact memories that she didn't know how I picked up. I said I thought it was the name Adeline and I told her of the day's events. She was horrified and angry at Holly for picking on me like that, just because I was new and my paws had been different. She was relieved about when I told her about Lupin, about how I had told Lupin my real name and she grew concerned about me when I told her about how I had saved Lupin's life by risking my own. She nudged my head upwards with her nose, so that she could examine my neck and she sighed in relief when she saw that there was nothing there from the wound.

"Well, you had quite the adventures, haven't you Demi?" she chuckled. "I guess I should tell you  - you deserve it. After all, you know everything about your real parents. What your friends said about me is true - they do call me the White Wolf of the Forest around here. But promise me one thing." I nodded, looking up into her silvery blue eyes.

"You can tell your friends that you are the surviving pup of Lily and that you are adopted, but you must tell no one else that you are being hunted or that you are the heiress to past Alpha Lily. If you see Holly tomorrow, stay out of sight." She looked me in the eyes as she said this. She was counting on me. "Don't ever forget me either, Demi. Even when I have to leave you."

I didn't know what she meant but I promised faithfully. She nuzzled me and then we both fell asleep as the rain continued to fall and the day sky turned into a cloudy, rainy night sky. My head was buzzing and the dreams didn't come again.

But if you think it ends there, then you are story is far from over...

(Credit to the base maker

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(Credit to the base maker.)

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