Chapter 7

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They didn't say anything throughout the entire time I told them about my real self. There were several looks given to each other, however, when I went through my memory-like dreams - I even described them as memory-like. Lupin often looked at Lara and gave a little nod to both of her friends when I told them about the silver she wolf and a pup that looked like me. Finally, I finished my ramblings.

"So, you say you dreamed of a silver she wolf and that she had a little litter of pups?" asked Lupin, giving a knowing look to Shadow and Lara. I nodded and repeated my dreams to them again. It was quite a shock what she said next -  I didn't know what to think at the time but now I do know that it was the truth.

"Demi, listen to me closely, okay?" demanded Lupin, staring me right in the eyes. "You might be the last Alpha's daughter. The last Beta of this Pack was killed by another wolf and no one here knows who; but she said, before she was murdered, that she hadn't seen any of the pups survive - that both the heirs were dead. However-" She stepped back and let Lara take over.

"We did some research into the matter, talked to some wolves who knew Alpha Lily really well or who had grown up with her their whole lives. They said that she'd talked to them the week before the pup's birth - saying that she was having three pups. But the Beta had said that the two heirs were killed. That white she wolf you mentioned? She is known as the White Wolf of the Forest, around this Pack's territory. She was closest to Lily and I heard a rumour that Holly's mother - Adeline - had seen the White Wolf sneaking out of the Alpha's den with a pup between her teeth." explained Lara, then finally, she sat back in her place.

I looked from one to the other of them. The information I had just received in exchange for my real identity was a lot and it seemed to be very valuable. Lupin tilted her head at the sound of the Alphas howling then ran out of the den with Shadow and Lara. I was left in the den until Lara came back for me and told me that my mother was waiting for me outside the Alpha's den. I immediately got up and raced towards the main centre of the Pack camp. Mother leapt down and ran over to me, then pushed me along with her nose without letting me say goodbye to my friends or thanking the Alphas. But, she seemed in a rush so I ran out the camp with her trotting behind me without questioning it.

"Hurry Demi!" panted Mother, as she waited for me outside the passage entrance. She picked me up by the scruff and ran down the passage; something that she hadn't done with me before I had learned about the passage. She dropped me in the clearing and ushered me into the den; constantly looking over her shoulder anxiously. When I had been running to the passage; I had felt like I was being followed or watched. It was only when Mother came in the den that I asked what was going on.

"I think that she is coming for you - and she has a little family accomplice this time." murmured Mother, her ears back in fear and her eyes wide as she kept an eye on the entrance to the den. I was worried - Mother had never mentioned this wolf before. But I got the inkling that I knew who was coming after me. Suddenly, Mother shoved me with her nose to the back of the deepest corner of the den and stood at the entrance, crouching down; her hackles up. I was scared now; I could hear the noise clearly. Mother was snarling; teeth bared and her muscles tensed underneath her pure white fur.

Then, Mother launched herself out the den. There - right in front of my eyes - I saw the same scarred female from my dreams...except this time.... it was real! 

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