Chapter 6

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I was back in the cave again! The silver she wolf had jumped out of the way but had left her pups to the mercy of the scarred female, or Adeline as I now knew that was her name.  My bird point of view zoomed in on Adeline and I saw her kill two of the three pups with a bite to each of them. Before she can kill the last pup, I see the silver she wolf dig her teeth into the scarred female's back leg. A lot of fighting goes on until back up arrives for both the parents. The scarred female is pinned to the wall by the silver she wolf and another wolf. The deep grey male, I assume as the father of the pups, had died from a wound to the throat. There are lots of blood stains on the cave floor - mostly from the deep grey father, Adeline and the silver she wolf.

Now a white female, with silvery blue eyes has entered the cave. I think I know that face - the image has frozen on her. Wait! I do know that face! Is that...?! Mother?!

I woke up yet again from the vision. I was in some kind of den, but not the den that I had woken up in the last time I had blacked out. I saw Shadow, Lupin and Lara talking to a light brown she wolf who had a leaf around her neck - they didn't look at all happy. I felt a tingly painful sensation go up my neck, causing me to yelp and whine really loudly. All four of them looked at me and my friend's expressions lit up; their tails wagging. They ran over to me, all talking at once but I couldn't understand what they were saying because they were speaking too fast. The she wolf that they had been talking to looked really shocked at me - at the time, I didn't know how lucky I was to be alive.

"Whisper! Whisper! I'm so glad you're okay!" whined Shadow, putting his nose under my chin to attract my attention. Both Lupin and Lara giggled as Shadow pulled his head back and looked away, embarrassed. I felt my ears grow hot and I could see that he was feeling the same sensation too. Lara told me that the she wolf they had taken me to was her mother and how she had got me immediate care once they saw the seriousness of my wound. Lupin was silent until she got the chance to talk - she sounded guilty but happy at the same time.

"Oh thank gosh you're okay!" she began. "W-We thought you were a goner when you went tumbling down that steep bank. What were you thinking? I...I felt guilty after you got bitten in the neck and I.. I thought you were dead." There was pure guilt in her voice and she wouldn't look me in the eyes which showed me that she had obviously taken responsibility for my  actions.

"It wasn't your fault, Lupin. I chose to get in-between you and Holly - I wasn't going to stand by and let her kill you, even if she is the same age as us." I answered, softly. She smiled a little and I gave her a friendly lick on the nose, my tail wagging happily. The she wolf they had been talking to came over to me and told the others, apart from Lara, to move away.

"You don't know how lucky you are, Whisper," she said quietly. "You were lucky to get out the creek when you did and you were lucky that I was free otherwise you may have...well..." She didn't need to finish her sentence - I knew exactly what she meant. But to think that I had come so close to dying was terrifying. Luckily, my wounds had healed faster than normal and my neck didn't even have a scar on it.

Finally, I was allowed out of the medic den and I went after Lupin. Except, she found me and led me back to the group den. This was where I was interrogated by them and I couldn't stick with my Whisper story any longer.

"Alright, Whisper - if that's your real name," said Lupin fiercely as we sat in a circle, with me in the middle. "You have some explaining to do. Why did you go from nervous little newcomer to a raging pup that could growl like an adult in, what, two seconds? And why does Holly want you dead so bad?"

All three of them looked at me expectantly. I had sworn to mother that I wouldn't tell anyone my real name but it was obvious that I had no choice. So, I told them everything - my real name and my strange dreams.

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