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Kennedy's POV

Lately , Amanda has been talking about eloping and I don't know if I should be worried but now I honestly don't know how I forgot about Dave (A/N : Dave is Amanda's boyfriend, Check the 1st chapter if you don't remember :-) )

Yeah , that day in Starbucks he saw the whole thing and he knows about my love of Shawn Mendes and if he reports me to the police I'll be arrested for kidnapping so I really really need to get out of Los Angeles , I'll probably go to London .

But I don't know yet , all the planning and   a whole new country with no friends .Yes if I elope with Shawn , Amanda won't know when and where we'll go cause you never know, she might just betray me and BAM I'm in prison .

But Amanda cheated on Dave with Shawn , so I'm not ..... In fact I don't know what to think right now .

I can treat you better
Than he can
A girl like you deserves a gentleman
I don't know why you're wasting time
Why you're wasting time
When you could be with me instead
Cause I know I can treat you better
Better Than He Can

That's Shawn's voice , I quickly stand up and run out of my room, I fling myself down stairs and almost fall . "Hey" I breathe out , he stops singing and turns around then waves , "do you know where Amanda is " I ask , "Yes , she went for her classes " he smiles .

"Oh" I sigh , "don't you have classes" he asks . " I take them online " I smile . He nods and goes back to strumming his guitar, I walk back upstairs leaving him downstairs and hopefully he won't escape .

Then suddenly the strumming stops , so I think maybe he's tired but then the front door slams shut , " Amanda Are you back ?" I shout but I don't get a response . Shit what if , no , nope he's not that kind of person .

Still my nerves aren't at rest do I decide to go downstairs to check in Shawn  "Shawn , Shawn , Shawn " I shout as I run up and down but I don't see anyone . Nobody it's all silent, that's when it clicks .

Shit , Shawn's escaped . could that be why he wasn't talking much , he was planning his escape . So all that trust and freedom we have him , he took it for granted . Enough thoughts , time to check the tracker , yes I put a tracker on everyone of his clothes and a tiny camera so I can always tell where he is .

BREAKING NEWS ' Shawn Mendes has been spotted running in the city and s truck hit him on his way .Now he's been sent to the ER at Noon Hospital .

That got to me to freeze , hospital, ER , Truck , Shawn Mendes . Shit Shit Shit SHIT .I run outside quickly locking the door and hop in my Black Challenger bare foot only wearing a hoodie and shorts. I rush to the hospital .

1 Hour Later

I got to the hospital an hour ago and I told them I was Emilie , his best friend and they believed me .From what they told me , Shawn hit his head really hard and the possibility of him having his memory is 5 % , yes that low so he might have temporary amnesia.

And  that he'll wake up soon , his family doesn't know and the police is here , why ? Shawn's been missing for a month so they're gonna ask him questions so I may be going to prison today . Hooray

Oh and I called Amanda but she didn't answer any of my calls so I stopped calling .

"You can go in now ma'am" a doctor nods at me . I go inside and see Shawn asleep and he looks so peaceful and adorable . The police are going to ask him questions once I leave his room so I've got to think fast .

I look down at the window , it's not so high , 4 Ft or 5 Ft . I look at Shawn and then I pull out my phone and call Nadia Pasay  she'll help me ." Hey Nadia , I need you to get your car and some money into the back of Noon Hospital" , "Got it , be there in 5 " she hangs up .

You wanna know what my plan is ? I'm kidnapping Shawn again except this time I'll be disappearing with Shawn .My phone starts ringing so I look outside and See Nadia's car then I pull Shawn out of the hospital bed and then I push him out the window into Nadia's open arms then I  look around making sure there's no evidence .

I run out the room and calmly walk away so  I'm not suspicious then I run downstairs and out of the hospital to my Challenger and calk Nadia "Take him in your car and drive to my apartment" then I hang up . She knows what I'm doing cause I texted her everything.

In 5 minutes I'm at the apartment and I see Nadia's Rolls-Royce behind me . "put him in my car I'm going to get my credit card and both our Visa's" I nod to her . She starts dragging him out of her car.

We're gonna go to  Canada. And that's final


Dudes !!! Appreciate this chapter cause it is A LOT .Anyway Finally eloping , disappearing Whatever .

The next Chappie soon

- Vanessa

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