Chaos Wreaking Havoc

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Earlier that same day.....

After the Beast dropped off Elizabeth, he turned the car around and went to set the stage. He didn't know when Elizabeth was going to rattle off the buildings he told her, so he had to be ready. At least, for that part of the plan. The murders could wait on the back burner.

The first building he went to was the Baltimore City Jail. He kept the car a distance away as he moved towards the building. He knew that SWAT would be called to the scene, but that wouldn't take the time he needed. The Beast needed bomb squad to do the most intense sweep of the large building to buy himself some time. So he pulled some homemade smoke bombs from the backseat and went about placing them in various spots about the prison.

Then the Beast went back to the car and gave Dennis the light for his part. Dennis grabbed one of five disposable phones and dialed. The other line answered quickly. "911, what is your emergency?" 

Dennis gave his best Barry impression to the operator. "Hey, I'm at the Baltimore Public Library, and I think there's a bomb on the main floor."

"Why do you think that, sir?" The operator asked. 

"This guy, he was wearing these ugly boots and he came up to me and said the clock was ticking. And I heard it. A sound of a timer counting down." 

The operator was silent for a second. "Officers are being dispatched right away." Dennis hung up after that. He broke the phone and put the pieces in a Ziploc bag so they wouldn't be lost.

The Beast took the light again and drove to the Rosewood Center. He did the same thing as before: park a distance away and plant smoke bombs in various places. Except with this building, he placed the smoke bombs in the walls and floorboards to create more of a hassle for the bomb techs.

When he got back to the car, Patricia took the light and used another one of the phones to call. "911, what is your emergency?" Patricia used a southern accent to disguise her voice and she tried to sound as scared as possible. 

"You've got to help us! There's a bomb at the George Peabody Library!!! You need to send help right away!" The operator tried to calm down Patricia so she could get more answers from her. 

"Calm down, ma'am. Tell me what happened."

"I work in the basement of the library and I saw him. He set some sort of device down here. I don't know where he went.... It's set to explode in less than two hours!" Patricia heard the operator type as fast as she could to alert the police. 

"Okay, ma'am, help is on the way." Patricia smiled and went for the last part of the plan. 

"Oh, no. He came back. He saw me!! No, please, don't! Help me!!!!!" Then she cut off the call and broke the phone into a dozen pieces.

She put the parts inside of the Ziploc bag and turned over the light to the Beast. He got out of the car and opened the trunk to check on his cargo. Everything was fine. No restraints had come undone. No tape had been removed. "Soon, this will all be over." He said to his cargo before closing the trunk.

His final target was the Mitchell Courthouse. This one was definitely much harder than the other two places. This courthouse was only temporarily closed. Not to mention by a crowded street. The Beast parked few feet away and tried to enter the building as inconspicuously as possible. There were no workers today, which made this situation somewhat easier.

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