A Crowded Police Station

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Dennis awoke to a knock on his door. No one had ever knocked before. Everyone he knew was in his head or at the asylum. Dennis slowly sat up and crept towards the door. He had no weapon, but was almost confident he could take anyone on the other side of that door. The knock came again, three urgent taps this time. Dennis looked through the peephole, but he didn't see much. Just a head full of red hair.

Dennis opened the door just enough so he could see the person the red hair belonged to. It was a pale girl in hospital whites that was at the door. She was very slim and her green eyes stood out amongst her bright red hair and pale skin. Dennis saw scars up and down her forearms and he instantly knew she was pure. She looked so fragile against the rising sun.

"The hotel is closed." He told her in his strong Brooklyn accent. 

The girl shook her head as he started to slam the door. "Wait, um, Dennis, is it?" He was taken aback that she knew his name. And where they lived. "My name is Emma. Casey Cooke sent me." That was unexpected. Dennis didn't believe her, but it made sense. Hospital whites, knowing the hotel address, his name.

"She told me to tell you that I'm pure. I think it's like a code word of hers? She made it clear that it was very important for me to tell you that." All Dennis could do was nod. He was so shocked that Casey sent someone to the hotel. Why not herself? 

"Is Casey okay?" He asked.

"Yeah, she's fine." Emma replied. "But she's in labor." All the personalities let out a gasp. It was time. Their plan was ready for action. Casey would be giving birth to their child today. Dennis opened the door and gestured for the girl to come in. He went to the dresser and pulled out a clean shirt and pants. He didn't have time to iron the already crisp shirt. He didn't know how long Casey would be in labor and he had to move quickly.

Emma entered the hotel room and sat down at a small table. She watched the man dress in a grey button up shirt and grey pants. He went into the restroom and began talking to someone. Emma could hear a British female talking to, so he must have put his phone on speaker because the hotel room only showed evidence of one person living there. Was the group separated? Emma did not know and waited for Dennis to come out of the restroom before she questioned him.

Dennis came out and completely ignored Emma. He didn't remember she was there until she spoke. "Where is the rest of the group?" 

Dennis spun around to face her. "What?" He asked confused. 

"Casey said there was a group of people living. She said they would keep me safe." Dennis assumed Casey meant the personalities as the group of people. She must have been trying to protect them.

"There is no group. There's just me." He saw the heartbreak on Emma's face as clear as day. 

"What? Casey said..." 

Dennis knew Casey must have trusted this girl so he had to tell her the truth. 

"Look, Casey didn't lie. She just.... exaggerated a truth." 

Emma wiped a falling tear off her face. "I don't understand."

Dennis knew the clock was ticking, but he sat across from the girl to explain. "I am a personality. One of 24. I have a condition called DID, or multiple personality disorder. Do you know what that is?" 

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