Dance For Me

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Congrats to LizRenKnight for winning my mini competition!! Elizabeth is her original character and I own no rights to her. I was just lucky enough to write her character.

Angelina up in a dark room with a mind blowing headache. She sat up and took in her surroundings. She couldn't see much because the only light was coming from a small light bulb that hung from the ceiling. She saw that she was on a small mattress and her friend was on the mattress beside her. "Elizabeth? " she called out to her friend, crawling over to shake her.

Elizabeth didn't move. Angelina kneeled over the girl and put two fingers on her throat to feel for a pulse. The scar that ran across Elizabeth's throat freaked Angelina out, but she was able to put that aside as she felt a pulse beating on her fingers. Angelina sighed a breath of relief and laid her fair skinned friend back down.

The next thing Angelina saw was the grated door that trapped them into a single room. There was no light beyond that door, so she couldn't see what was after it. Were there other rooms like this one with other girls? "Hello?" She called out. "Can anyone hear me?" No response. Elizabeth let out a small moan as she started to wake up. 

"Hello?" Angelina called out again.

Elizabeth blinked her eyes a couple of times to adjust to the dark room. She felt no sense of fear when she realized what had happened to them. Given Elizabeth's background, fear didn't come lightly. She had been abused in more ways than one by three separate boyfriends, one of whom even slit her throat in an attempt to kill her. So she didn't freak out as her friend was doing. Instead, she calmly sat up and looked around.

"There's an echo." She told Angelina. Angelina turned to her friend. 

"What?!" Elizabeth brushed her black bangs out of her way and repeated herself. 

"There's an echo. That means wherever we are is just a portion of this room. And since no one has answered, I'm guessing we're alone." 

Angelina gasped. "How do you know all this?" 

Elizabeth shrugged. "There's a lot you don't know about me." 

Angelina walked over to the gated door and banged on it a few times. "Hey! Hey, freak! Let us out of here!!" There was no response.

"You're only going to piss him off." Elizabeth warned. Angelina ignored her friend and kept hitting the door.

 "Hey!!!!!! Let us out!!!!!" Elizabeth rolled her eyes and got comfortable. After about fifteen minutes, Angelina gave up the taunts and the hitting and collapsed down on the mattress. 

"Great. Now I'm going to die with a broken nail." Elizabeth rolled her eyes and questioned what lead her here to this creepy room. Befriending Angelina was her biggest mistake. But when a girl with unlimited wealth starts up a conversation with you, it's not exactly wise to turn her away. Especially if she knows where to buy good weed.

It's not like Elizabeth was addicted to drugs, but they did help take away the pain. Even if it was only for a short while. Then, a door at the very end of the hall opened up, showing a small sliver of light. The girls sat up and looked at each other. They couldn't see who it was, but they could hear the footsteps coming down the hall. "I say we attack him as soon as he opens the door." Angelina whispered to Elizabeth.

"Do that, and the consequences will be unfortunate." A man's voice said. The girls couldn't see him until he turned on a flashlight and shone it directly at himself. He wore a crisp grey shirt, grey pants, and glasses that highlighted his stern expression. Angelina glared at him. 

"What are you going to do to us next?" She asked. Dennis could hear the fear in her voice and that pleased him.

"Stay where you are. Don't come towards the door." Dennis set something down outside the door so he could open it and turned off the flashlight. He walked into the holding cage and locked the door behind him. Elizabeth thought it odd that this man brought a folding chair into the room, but this whole situation was weird. Dennis sat down in the chair and checked out their new guests. He sat close enough so he could see the girls properly, but not too close where they could jump on him.

The girl the Beast was watching was a sight. She was basically naked. She wore a tight skirt that left nothing to the imagination and a crop top that was practically a bra. The other girl was also beautiful. Her neck length black hair brought out her big blue eyes and fair skin. She had big red lips that enchanted Dennis and great curves. She wore a short black skirt and a red V neck blouse that hung low. Dennis was about to choose her when he saw the long scar across her throat. It didn't take away from her beauty, if anything, it added to it. Dennis gave her a small smile and walked over to her.

"Get up." He commanded. Elizabeth did so without complaint. She stared into his hard blue eyes and felt weird for thinking that her kidnapper was hot. "Follow me." He told her. Elizabeth crossed the room with him as he lead her to a bathroom. "Get in." He told her. Elizabeth crossed her arms.

 "Why?" Dennis glared down at her. 

"Get in. Or I'll drag you in." Elizabeth flinched at the sternness of his voice and did as she was told. As soon as she was in the bathroom, Dennis closed the door and locked it. He had previously removed the lock from her side of the door so she had no way to open the door.
Angelina cried out after Elizabeth and got into the corner of the room. Dennis moved the chair until it was right under the light. He sat down in the chair and looked over at Angelina.

 "Come here." The girl cried and shook her head. 

"Please." She sobbed. Dennis waited, hoping she would move before he had to go and drag her to him.

Elizabeth put her ear to the door and tried to hear what was going on. She could only hear muffled crying. Elizabeth didn't know why she was the one stuck in here. That man was definitely more interested in her than Angelina. So why would he stick her in here? Elizabeth sat down by the door and kept one ear pressed against the door.

Angelina finally moved over to stand in front of Dennis, crying and begging as she went. Dennis looked at the impure in front of him and wished that the pure girl was standing in front of him instead. But even he wouldn't hurt a person who was pure. Angelina wiped the falling tears from her eyes and waited for the man to speak.

And he did speak. He spoke three words Angelina was not expecting to hear.

"Dance for me."

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