Chapter 7

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The big snow buggy came to a sharp halt at Crow Research Centre's main entrance, the building had the appearance of an old redundant school, with the lower half once painted in cream. The driver jumped out of the vehicle and lowered the side door for his passengers, and continued to the rear to retrieve their luggage.

Jax grabbed his duffel bag and slung his great-sword over a shoulder. For such a length and width, she was as light as a feather, and her edge was razor sharp. The huge blade had been uniquely crafted by a skilled grand-master over several months - preparation, forging, metal folding for strength, and then the specialist polish. The name Harmony was beautifully etched onto the shimmering weapon in an ancient, elegant text.

"I trust the journey went well." Professor Crow asked, as he tottered down the steps from the building. He grinned when he noticed Logan was looking particularly green from the long sea voyage.

"Our journey was fine," replied Jax. "Professor Crow, this is Logan, from Grey Regiment."

Crow looked towards the rear of the buggy as Logan appeared with his luggage. "Logan, is it?" His bloodshot eyes squinted in the light as he analysed his new specimen. "A pleasure to meet you, boy." Crow offered a withered old hand, covered in deep pox scars and wrinkles.

Logan went to shake it, but thought better when he saw it, choosing instead to give Crow a military salute - more befitting of the Professor's stature, he decided, and hoped this way he wouldn't be offended about rejecting the hand offering. "An honour to meet you, sir."

The Professor looked nothing like he'd imagined. He was old and frail, with long white hair that was so brittle it looked like it would fall out in clumps if he ran a comb through it. He stood with an uncomfortable stoop, and held himself up with a wooden cane, carved in the shape of a naked woman on a crucifix.

Crow lowered his proffered hand, "Indeed," he muttered, inspecting Logan from top to bottom, relatively pleased with what he saw. "Please, follow me gentlemen. Do you require assistance with your luggage?"

"No, thank you, sir." Logan replied, Jax shook his head to the question.

"Then follow me inside please, you must be freezing - I know our climate up here isn't the warmest." Crow brushed aside a length of hair that had fallen over his face, then retraced his steps back into the building. Logan and Jax followed closely behind. "This is the main research building in Alundra," he said. "We currently have a number of promising young students here from Barlow City. These classrooms-" Crow pointed to the empty rooms they passed along the corridor. "-are all full throughout the day. I will be performing some simple fitness tests with you here, before we travel to my own laboratory a little further north." Crow paused when he noticed Logan had stopped, admiring a picture frame on the wall - it was of a young man posing with some students. Crow's lips twisted into a thin smile. "Samiel," he said with delight, taking in a deep joyful breath and releasing it slowly - savouring every second of a memory he was reliving in his mind. "An incredible young man and warrior that one, I was very grateful when he agreed to volunteer for this project."

Logan turned to Crow, a curious look on his face. "Volunteered?"

"Volunteered my dear boy," confirmed Crow.

Logan looked to Jax who stood firm, offering no explanation.

Crow answered his curiosity. "For the project you are about to embark upon."

"I didn't explain all of the details to you on the way here," Jax admitted. "I spoke the truth when I said we were to be given advanced conditioning, but I left out the details for Professor Crow to fill you in with." He gestured for Crow to take over.

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