Chapter 33

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Logan felt his head being opened like a tin, his skull being slowly carved away from his brain with a rusty knife.

Stay calm Logan...

What the...where am I...who the fuck are you?

Just'll be best if I show you...


Captain Jaered Oskzora was beginning to consider his mission a prison sentence. He sometimes wondered if they'd even died, and this galactic venture was nothing more than purgatory. There was incredible excitement shared by everyone when they departed, but so far, disappointment was the only thing they'd found. Many of the fertilized worlds were barren, inhospitable hell-holes, with enough noxious gas in the atmosphere to dissolve an Eshiea'n from the inside out. Some of the planets could have supported life, but there was no sign of a ship having landed or completed its expedition. Perhaps a stray asteroid, or the gravitational ripples of a black hole had torn the craft apart. The crew struggled to remain hopeful, but continued their deep-space search regardless, hoping to find a successfully populated planet.

Over one million years ago, their local star succumbed to the forces of nature. Eshiea'n Elders knew time on their beloved Xunia was at an end, and planetary leaders had been looking at long-term solutions to secure the future of their species. Ascar had finally lost her battle, incapable of maintaining peace between gravity and fusion, resulting in an astronomical solar collapse. Their once life-sustaining star belched out towards Fistle and Towa, devouring the rocky worlds. Timbal burst into flames before the hysterical populace, and when Xunia was finally in the red giant's cross-hairs, leaders had little choice but to abandon their home. The majority were shipped to Majoris - a sister planet, but this was only temporary, it wouldn't prevent their impending doom.

During one of many emergency planetary briefings, Eshiea'n Elders decided that it was time to launch the Seeder Fleet. These tubular craft were packed full of advanced and sophisticated technology; machines with the ability to restart life in the event of species annihilation. Thousands of microscopic residents occupied a secure tank in the central hub of each craft, in the form of cells and DNA. The MicroAtom Generator would materialize up to twenty thousand vessels - a warm and welcome home for new genes. But MAG would only activate if the mission was a success - if the Eshiea'n could find an appropriate home for their unborn children. It was a simple idea, but the reality was far less hopeful.

Surviving a perilous journey through light-years of treacherous space-time, these colossal ships were required to touch-down safely on their new pre-selected homes. The domestic quarters, with their toughened carbotanium exterior, was built to remain intact during what would undoubtedly be an unpleasant landing. If the equipment still functioned post-landing, able to construct and animate vessels, and the atmosphere was suitable, then there was a good chance of survival. The Lost Children, as Elders had christened them, had every capability welded to their genetic makeup to survive and prosper. But despite being an advanced species, with ships of superior build and futuristic technology, dangers still lurked beyond their control. The Seeder Fleets migration would be within the hands of Gods.

Jaered was en-route to One-Nine-Four; an average sized planet in the distant void. Early signs indicated that it had good vitals with an abundance in all major essentials, with near perfect conditions for life to flourish. Its stellar source was within good distance for energy harnessing and thermal warmth, and only midway through its life term.

"I hope this one's a success..." said Marni with a sigh.

"Me too, lieutenant," Jaered replied. "We only have six destinations left, two are in this star-system actually."

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