Make It Real - Chp 23 [Erin]

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“Knock, knock.”

I looked up startled from my computer desk “Oh, hey. What’s up?” I asked surprised to see Eli poking his head around my doorway.

Eli shrugged carelessly “Do you know where your brother is?”

I pursed my lips “Hmm Saturday night where would my brother be?” I thought out loud with a teasing smile “I’m going to take a guess and think Mel’s, I did see him leave with a whole bunch of action films, Transformers movies if I recall.”

Eli gasped in mock surprise “That bastards cheating on me!”

I giggled “With Mel? Who would have known?” I gasped in mock horror.

Eli chuckled as he opened the door and walked right in and dragging one of my funky stools over and placing it behind me as he sat down behind me and looking over my shoulder. “Anyways, what cha doin’?”

I smiled fighting back the shiver and squirm as his warm breath tickled the back of my neck because he was sitting that close “Nothing, just editing some photos.” I murmured suddenly shy of having him in my room – though it certainly wasn’t the first time – and him sitting so close and looking at my work, judging.

Eli rested his chin on my shoulder looking over “Awesome.” He murmured the movement of him speaking tickling and massaging my shoulder making me smile and wiggle which he realized “Is someone ticklish?” he murmured prodding me in the side causing me to jump and squeal.

“D-don’t!” I protested as he prodded me again as he chuckled “Don’t!” I squealed wiggling about madly as he continued to prod and tickle me “I’ll do anything! Anything!” I bargained.

Eli chuckled stopping on a sigh “Anything?”

“Anything.” I agreed.

“Well how about helping me prove to Liam that I don’t need him by me and you and a movie?” he suggested making me giggle.

That’s how I ended up spending the afternoon sharing my double bed with Li watching movies all afternoon until we both fell asleep.


Illegal drugs are drugs which have been controlled by the government and are illegal in certain situations (a person is not allowed to have them). A drug is any chemical which affects the way the human body works.”

My stomach churned as I stared numbly at my laptop’s screen the next morning my mind relaying over and over again the things I was finding on the internet. All I could think about last night how all my answers to what had happened to the sweet boy Jed I had fallen in love could all be hidden in the depths of those color pills and capsules I found in his pants pocket last night. This morning I had woken up trying to find a reasonable and reassuring explanation to those pills, hoping that there’d be some legal drug for medicine that would make the sickening feeling within go away.

Deep down though I knew better.

I had searched as much as possible but it was impossible to know what was what seeing since I was practically walking in like a blind man, I had never been around or involved in drugs the closet things being caffeine, alcohol and aspirin. There were so many things I didn’t know and typing it into Google was strange enough let alone seeing all these chemical names and other words that I didn’t know. I don’t think I had ever used a dictionary so much in my life. By the end of it though I was just as lost as when I started, there were many drugs that came in pill and capsule form and many come in different forms. It was all so confusing and my head was swirling as I continued to scroll through the site.

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