Chapter Seven: Freelancer Base

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When we arrived Sarge told us to wait by the jeep so I figured I pass the time by getting answers however Sarge came up mentioning something about aliens, "So, What did I miss here?" I asked awkwardly. "I have no idea." Simmons told me. Grif then kicked Church, "Aw, I wanted to that. I complained. "Well get in line." Grif told me, "Tsk, You don't have to tell me twice." I muttered as the aliens came, Simmons "tried" to be cool. "Oh god why." I muttered while face palming but luckily we made break for it while they were distracted afterwards Church was in some kind of area, "What did you do Grif?" I asked as Simmons said, There he is! Go grab him! However he tried and failed to get him he blaming us for know I just told him, "Yeah no, I don't go anywhere with flashing lights. It's common knowledge." "Shut up." Simmons muttered but once we finally got Church out of there I felt another sharp pain in my back. "Ow! God dammit! I swear if Church is responsible if this i'm going to kill him!" I muttered to myself as Delta talked to Caboose. Once he was done Church woke up and took Caboose the side to talk to him alone. "What the hell are you guys talking about?" I asked as the reds spied on them from a far, "None of your business." Sarge to me as I growled angrily telling him, "Yes, it is since i'm going to follow you until I get what i'm after got it? "Yes sir." He told me fearfully. "Good, Now what was it?" "I think I liked him better when he didn't really do anything." Simmons whispered to Grif scared, "Me too." He replied back but I ignored them instead focusing on where we were going however I had a feeling I wasn't going to like it. Aw, crap. I muttered knowing where they were. I sighed then told them, "Alright listen to me, if your plan is going work you to follow my dictions exactly, Grif your Cal-California, Sarge your Kanas, and Simmons your Alabama." "Then who are you?" Asked Simmons. "I'm Washington." "Wait then why do you get to be agent Washington? Sarge asked angrily, "Because we have the same colored armor." "Then how'd you know what the other freelancers look like?" Grif asked "I'm a mercenary, We worked together before, Now shut up and do as I say!" Well then what do you want us to do? "Don't say anything and just let me to the talking." "Sounds like a good plan to me." Grif said happily. We then walked up to Filiss, "Hello, Filiss." I greeted, as she said, "Hello, this is a privet facility. Visitors are not welcome. Please leave immediately or else we'll have to take lethal measures to ensure the safety of our property." "I'm agent Washington, I'm here with agents California, Kanas, and Alabama. We're are here to retrieve a shipment for command." "I'm sorry but my memory banks say that agents California, Albama and Kanas are missing and/or in capable for missions." I grit my teeth but told her, "I'm sure it's a technical error." "Let me ask them." Crap! I thought to myself then began to load my gun. "Can you tell me what agents you are." I'm  uh Pluto? I rolled my eyes then started shooting afterward we went inside. Grif and Simmons were arguing. "He's right. I told him, All you had to do was confirm the name I gave you!" Sarge then told him about how he shot it suddenly we heard crashing. I asked them, "Was that Caboose?" Luckily my question was answered when found the source of the sound. "Caboose, What's going on? I asked "Wait, where Church?" However the door started pounding, once it was open I stared in stock. 

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