Chester Bennington

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This is all some sick joke, right? It can't be true. But it is.

For the past 5 years, I have listened to Linkin Park. I remember the first time I heard Breaking the Habit. I remember listening to Bleed it Out for the first time, then making a math parody of it with one of my best friends.

Linkin Park will forever hold the most dearest place in my heart with music. The band that got me into what I am into today, the band that made me want to play music and be in a touring band.

Knowing that the primary driving voice behind that is gone is something I will struggle with for what I believe to be the rest of the time I try to listen to them, or even think of them.

Chester Bennington was a kind man. He was intelligent, talented, and an all around good guy. His name will live in legend. Kids who find Linkin Park later down the road will hear about his death and be disappointed, but never understand how heart shattering and devastating the news would have been.

I found out, came home, and slept for the majority of the day.

"Who cares if one more light goes out in the sky of a million stars,
They flicker, flicker,
Who cares if one more life runs out if a moment is all we are,
Or quicker, quicker.
Who cares if one more light goes out?
Well, I do."

He will never realize just how many cared if one more light went out.

My heart goes out to his family, friends, and band in their time of need. I especially pray for his band mate who found him. It was too soon, but his life was such an impactful one. That's what counts. Chester's life will continue to impact people even after his passing. Good people are remembered, but the great are legend. Chester Bennington is legend. And a fantastic one at that.

Friends, if you are having thoughts about suicide, please talk to somebody. I'm always here. Your friends are always there. Seek help! It's okay. I promise.

So, this is it. This is a goodbye to a man who helped shape part of my life that will stay with me for the rest of my life. Thank you and goodnight to a legend who will never, ever die.

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