He Deserves Better

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Kayla's POV.

The ride to Ohio took a few days considering the distance. It wasn't that bad because Jessie is an amazing person to talk to. I could tell that the whole time Luke was in pain though. I did have some wounds, but not nearly as bad as Luke...I don't get how anyone's father could do such a thing. He enjoyed causing Luke pain. That's just sick.

   The beach house we are staying at is extremely nice. It's all fresh and neat, and of course smells like the beach. You could look out the window and see the beautiful beach and waves and sky. But I feel extremely home sick. I'm so far away from home it's unbelievable. I know I should be crying, but it hasn't fully registered yet.

   Luke was resting in his room and Mason was tending to his wounds. I can't stand to hear how much pain he is in and see the disgusting wounds, so I decided to go to the beach, since it is literally down the street.

   I go down to the board walk with Jessie first and we buy a bunch of clothes and bathing suites. We also pick up a few pairs of clothes for Luke and Mason.

   Is it just me, or is it weird that I'm now working with my kidnapper? I'm not even that afraid of him anymore...he's just a boy stuck in a bad situation, and I somehow got caught up in it...

   As we walk down to the beach in our matching bathing suits, I stare at the sunset. I wonder if my family is staring at the same sunset...I miss them so much. I feel tears spring to my eyes, and I quickly wipe them away. I just wish everything could go back to normal.

   We stay for a few hours and swim, then go back up to the house. I take a shower and get in pajamas. I walk into the hallway where all the rooms are...Only three. Two of the rooms only have a twin bed in it. The biggest room has a Queen size. It just so happens that Luke is resting in the big bedroom, and the other rooms are taken by Mason and Jessie.

   No way am I sleeping with my kidnapper. Sure, it wasn't really his fault, but he still did it. I set up a spot for myself on the couch. I had the worst sleep in the history of sleep. I woke up with terrible naughts in my back and neck. Ugh.

   I get up early and make breakfast for everyone. Mason and Jessie come out and eat, and I eat with them and make small talk. I really just want to know what the plan is? Am I staying here for the rest of my life?

   By the time we finish, Luke still hasn't come out. I wash the dishes, then decide to heat up his food. I walk it into his room. I open the door to see him sleeping shirtless with bandages wrapped around his torso. My eyes scan his arms and stomach. So many bruises and cuts... And whip marks. I stare at his abs for a split second. I swear I didn't check him out or anything!

   I gently wake him up, and he groans, then tries to roll over. He fails, and instead lets out a yelp of pain. I quickly help him sit up. I'm not good at this stuff, Mason or Jessie should be helping him, not me.

   "I made you breakfast," I say with a shy small smile. Why do I feel so nervous around him? Probably because he kidnapped and hurt me. Yeah, that's it. He looks me in the eyes with an intense look that makes my stomach do flips. "Thank you," he says in his deep voice.

   "you're welcome," I say quietly, then start to walk out. He suddenly grabs my wrist and pulls me back.

   "Stay," he said. "It gets lonely in here."

  I nod my head and sit at the edge of his bed.

   "I know you're probably wondering when you get to leave..." He says, not looking at me. "Well once we get my dad is off our tracks, find a way to make an agreement with him, then you can go home. It should be within a few weeks." He says, looking up. Is that sadness I see in his eyes? He searches my eyes with his. I find myself lost of words. I'm syked that I'll be able to go home soon...but something doesn't feel right.

   I furrow my eyebrows, confused at myself. It's almost like...like I kind of don't want to leave. But that's impossible. I want to be with my family.

   "that's what you want, right?" He says, looking at me confused too. He's probably confused by my reaction. I'm silent for a second, I look down, wondering why I'm feeling this way. I stand up, eyebrows still furrowed. "Yeah...yeah, that's what I want," I mutter, then walk out of the room with a strange feeling in my stomach.

   Jessie was walking past me in the hall, but she suddenly stopped. "Hey, what's wrong? You looked like you've seen a ghost."

   "I don't really know..." I murmur. I walk to the couch and sit down. Do I...do I have feelings for Luke? I don't want to...He's a kidnapper, and abuser, and... And... A boy, a kid. He's just a kid. He has never had a normal life, he's forced to do things.

   I sit on the couch and break down, but not because I'm sad or that I miss home. I cry for Luke. He has so much pain in his life, and he doesn't deserve it. Even with all that's going on with him, all he's worried about is helping me get home, he could care less about himself. He deserves a normal life though! He does! Hot tears run rapidly down my faces, and each one is entirely for Luke.


   Yeah, I know, it's boring. I need some ideas! I don't really know what else to do now, so please help with ideas guys! I accept all! Please vote and comment! Thanks for reading! :)



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