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I turn around to see a dark figure moving quickly towards Luke. The dark figure hits Luke in the head with something that I can't make out. Luke falls to the ground, not moving.

The dark figure then points the object towards me and Jessie. It's a gun. I freeze, then Jessie and I both raise our hands slowly. Two more dark figures come rushing into the room. They come towards us.

One of them grabs me by the arm and yanks me hard. The other one yanks Jessie also. A hand is clamped over my mouth tightly, so that I couldn't scream even if I wanted to.

As I'm pulled towards the door, that's when I see it. I see Luke slowly standing up, but no one notices. He turns and grabs a knife. He silently walks up to the man that has the gun pointed at us. That's when the men that hold Jessie and I notice, and yell to the guy with the gun.

But it's too late, Luke stabs the knife into the guys shoulder, causing he to scream in pain, then turns around and swings at Luke. Luke ducks, then starts to wrestle with him. More men come crashing into the house, still dragging me and Jessie out.

But of course, everybody forgot about Mason. He comes running out with a gun. He attacks the guy that holds Jessie, then she is free. She also starts helping attack the other guys. But I am pulled out and tied up. They throw me in the back of a van, where I scream and try to wrestle free.

A gag is shoved into my mouth, stifling my cries. Then, a blindfold is tied tightly around my eyes. I hear loud shouts and movement from outside. I feel the door open again, and something tossed on top of me.

It moves around, and I predict that it is a person. Soon the van is put into motion.

* * *

Luke's POV.

I wake up sore, not feeling very eager to move. I open my eyes, but to only be met with darkness. Oh yeah, my freaking father kidnapped me. Great.

My arms are bound tightly behind my back, and my mouth is dry. I hear footsteps, and close my eyes, pretending to be asleep. I hear the door creak open.

"Get up," I hear my dad say loudly, then kicks me in the ribs.

I open my eyes and obediently stand up. He slaps me across the face, hard. My head jerks to the side, and I clench my jaw. He grabs my chin and jerks it forward, facing him.

"You will regret this," he says, pointing to his bandaged shoulder.

He then roughly let's go of my face, causing it to whip to the side. I feel myself start to get a head ache.

"Come boys, take him to the basement," my dad says, a smirk playing on his lips.

Two of his men walk in, dragging me out of the room. I hear him say as I'm dragged away, "You'll think again before you take my property away from me."

I am pushed down the stairs, and it takes all my energy not to fall down. I look around the basement, and I am stricken with horror. Crap.


Sorry this one is short, and it sucks. I'll make a longer one tomorrow. Please vote and comment. Also, don't be afraid to follow! Thanks for reading!😋😋😋

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