Dare #10!

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What is up? I got another dare for you guys!

Raditz: At this point, I just want to crawl to a hole and never come out.

Turles: As long as it has no spider web.

Raditz: On second thought, nevermind.

This dare is from tyrece478j

They want Vegeta to enrage Goku!

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They want Vegeta to enrage Goku!

All: Wait, WHAT?!

Kauli: Hell no! Are these people trying to kill us?!

Kakarot: Why would they want me to get angry? Besides. Since I heard the dare, it's impossible now.

Vegeta: I am in no mood to deal with his outbursts.

... Maybe I shouldn't had said the dare out loud. Well...

Turles: You do realize it is near impossible to piss Kakarot off, right? When you do manage to, you would wish you were in Hell instead!

ChiChi: Is it that bad?

Karot: I forgot mom never saw his rage in person...

Future Trunks: I... I don't want to explain how it gets...

Raditz: He broke my damn tail...

Turles: He tried to strangle me to death.

Vegeta: As if I would even bother being attacked by him again. That stupid demon in him only makes it worse.

Kakarot: ... what?

It's a dare, dude. You can't walk away from it. You have no choice.

Vegeta: *Crosses arms.* And if I don't?

... Don't make me do this.

Turles: I suggest you don't cross her. She's evil! She knows our weaknesses!

Vegeta: Yeah. Sure. More like a pain in the ass.

... I'm gonma phone one of my readers.



RealMelodyHope bring the bag.

Vegeta: What are you talking about?

Not a question or dare, but I saw the comment and thought it would come handy. *checks phone*

Vegeta: She wants me to try what?

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Vegeta: She wants me to try what?

Go ahead and see.

Vegeta: *sees bag of gummy worms* What the?! How repulsive! Candy worms?!

Raditz: Hey! I want some candy!

Uh-oh. Well... Vegeta, you will have to eat it if you don't do the dare. And I mean... ALL of it.

Vegeta: Fine! You want an angry Kakarot?! I'll get you one! *Marches over to ChiChi*

ChiChi: Uh... What are you doing coming to me?!

Kakarot: Vegeta! What are you doing?!

Vegeta: *Snatches ChiChi and throws her outside. She gets carried away by a pterodactyl.* There! Now the annoying woman is gone!

Kakarot: *Mouth drops* ChiChi! Oh, no! She's disarmed! It'll eat her if there is more than one to pin her down!

*More of the dinos fly after her.*

Kakarot: ...!

I don't see where this is going.

Kakarot: *Snarls at Vegeta begore flying outside* ChiChi! ChiChi!

Karot: Go get 'em, dad!

Future Trunks: I feel a sense of karma coming.

Tarble: This won't end well.

Vegeta: I got rid of her. Let me be.

Uh... Okay. I feel like something will happen soon...

*Kakarot flies back in with ChiChi.*

ChiChi: *lands and marches towards Vegeta* How dare you! I could had been food!

Vegeta: Breaking news; I don't care.

Kakarot: You have some nerve. You're lucky nothing bad happened.

Vegeta: What is that supposed to mean?! I hope you know who you are talking to!

Kakarot: *crosses arms.*

Kauli: Wow. He didn't go apeshit.

Turles: That's a word I never heard before.

ChiChi: I won't forgive him for what he did! *grabs helmet and puts it on* I won't let you push me around! I'll humiliate you!

Vegeta: And how will you do that?

*Blade is sent flying and slices off Vegeta's tail.*

Others: ...!


Do Saiyans really...?

Vegeta: *angry* You son of a-


Vegeta: Shut up! I'll make her regret that! I'll kill her!

Kakarot: What?! Oh, no you don't! Don't you dare put a finger on her!

Vegeta: *Snatches ChiChi*

Kakarot: Vegeta...! Unhand her or I'll-

ChiChi: *Kicks Vegeta between the legs*

Vegeta: *Squeals and falls* Why...? Why did she punch me in the...? *Angry* Annoying little...! *Sends a blast at her that sends her flying*

Kakarot: OH, NO!

Raditz: You pressed the ChiChi button. Shouldn't had done that.

Vegeta: What are you talking about?

Kakarot: You bastard! *Goess Ssj* I'LL MAKE YOU REGRET DOING THAT!

Vegeta: *Laughs and goes ssj, too.* And what will you do? You must hsd forgotten I stand stronger than you now, Kakarot!

Kakarot: *Snarls and attacks Vegeta*

*fight cloud*

Raditz: Who is going to win this one?

Tarble: Those two never got along, anyway.

Nappa: No. They never did...

Well... I'll let these to fight it out.
Until next time!

Questions! Dares!

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