Question #1!

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Oh wow. That didn't last long! We got ourselves a dare!

Hello everyone! I am your host, Espeon804! I am a HUGE fan of Pokémon and Dragon Ball Z, and as you can see by my username, my MOST FAVORITE Pokémon is Espeon!

Isn't this Pokémon adorable?

Isn't this Pokémon adorable?

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Okay. So it looks sassy.

Anyway! We have our first question up! First, allow me to bring everyone down here! HEY!

(Seconds pass)

I'm​ going to need a forcefield. I stole one from Chille just in case someone tries to hurt me, but I don't think I'll need it anytime soon. HELLO?! I NEED YOU GUYS TO GET DOWN HERE! READERS ARE ANXIOUS!

(Tarble arrives first, walking inside room)

Tarble: Forgive me, but the others are rather stubborn at the moment. You know how they are with earthlings. I won't judge you. As long as you won't try anything funny.

Hey. You guys can blow up planets. Do I look like the sort who would mess with you guys? Oh-ho no.

Tarble: (Nods) That's all I need to know! I'll bring them out.

Tarble: (Shouts) Everyone out! That's an order!


They don't sound happy. I guess this whole book thing isn't a good idea?
I'm being hard on myself again.

(Kauli enters room)

Kauli: (Spots Espeon804) Oh. So this is the one making us do whatever this is? Why won't you tell us your real name?


Kauli: I was expecting that answer.

(Vegeta enters with others)

Vegeta: What the hell did you drag me into this time, Tarble? (Spots host) Did she hire you?

I asked him politely. Is that bad?

Vegeta: (Growls) As if I'll cooperate with an earthling, especially one who's barely even mature!

I'm 18!

Vegeta: Still not good enough! You're still a teenager!

... You have a point. (Looks around) Uh... Where is Goku- Well, I'll call him Kakarot to respect his name.

Raditz: (Sighs) He won't come out. He said on quote; "There is no way I'm meeting a Human after what they out me through!" He would rather kill you.

But I didn't do anything!

Turles: You are supposed to be dead according to his mission.

I wouldn't had been born yet since he's older than me. Or, I could had been a baby!

Ask or Dare The Saiyans from: "Of The Earthling Saiyan" Fanfiction Series!Where stories live. Discover now