Interview with "The Relentless Brothers"

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This takes place during Book 3. (After chapter 16) Small spoilers.

---- Bonus: The thoughts between the three! ----

It's oddly quiet despite the fact that it is the middle of a warm day... but it's also a bit tense. Sitting inside a trailer is a particular trio... well... they are in the trailer at separate times. Cameras are pointed at a chair.

2:25PM. Kakarot.

The door is heard opening, and a man in a suit smiles. "Ah! Hello, Goku... or would you rather be addressed as your Saiyan name?"

The warrior takes a seat in the chair. "Kakarot would be nice."

The man nods. "Okay then, Kakarot. I just have some questions."

2:45PM. Turles.

"Questions?" Turles frowns at this. "Don't tell me we are doing lousy interview."

3:15PM. Raditz.

"Well, this is what is happening." The man explains.

Raditz growls. "I knew it! Should had left when I had the chance!" He stands and heads for the door. "I'm out of here!"

The man extends an arm. "Wait! You must stay!"

"Don't give a shit." Raditz opens the door.

"You better get that done before you walk out, Raditz!" Tarble's voice orders from outside.

Raditz shuts the door with a slight nervous look on his face. "Great. He's here. Damn it." He grumbles under his breath and sits on the seat with crossed arms. "Curse you."

The man sighs. "Alright. Now that we got that out the way, how about you introduce yourselves to the readers?"

Kakarot tilts his head to the side. "But uh... they've known us since the first book. Why introduce ourselves again? Isn't that rather pointless?"

The man groans. "Please don't make this difficult. The more you cooperate, the faster this will go."

Kakarot grins happily. He places his hands on his lap and speaks cheerfully. "Okay! Hi! My name is Kakarot, and I'm a Saiyan who was raised on Earth!"

Turles huffs. "Whatever. All you need to know is that I am Turles."

"So the bastards want to know my name?" Raditz growls. "If they don't know it's "Raditz" by now then they took Kakarot's place as the biggest dumbass in the world."

The man seems a bit uneasy, but these are their personalities showing. "Alright. How about you tell me a bit about yourself?"

Raditz saw this coming. He goes on, but he's strongly irritated by it. "Alright. I was born in Age 729... at the 5th of August from the warriors Bardock and Gine."

Turles glances at the camera before staring at the ground with an annoyed expression. "July 31st. Age 734. Bardock was my father. Gine was my mother."

Kakarot seems to look like a confused child. "My birthday...?"

The man nods, a bit worried that the warrior must not remember. "The day you were born. Do you remember?"

Kakarot scratches his head. He thinks harder, and he smiles. "Right! The year was... 737! The day was June 14th! I know my parents are Bardock and Gine, but I... I only got to see them as soon as I was born and then that was it. I was sent away the next day."

The man laughs. "How odd. The three of you have birthdays right after another."

"As if it was intentional." Turles growls.

Ask or Dare The Saiyans from: "Of The Earthling Saiyan" Fanfiction Series!Where stories live. Discover now