Chapter twenty two

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Tris pov
1 year later

So instead of speeding up the planning we decided to take it slow and plan the best wedding we could possibly plan.

Tobias and I are getting married tomorrow but for now we are enjoying our bachelor parties.

I told Marlene no strippers for me as she promised she wouldn't. I believe her. But for Zeke, he said he wouldn't but I'm having a hard time believeing him.

Marlene, Shaunna, Christina, and I sit in a circle in the hotel room we rented and drink wine and talk.

Christina and I's friendship has come a long way since then. We've grown stronger and are basically back to the way we were. Her and Marlene are still getting there but they do talk. Marlene and Uriah kind of talk too.

Christina and Uriah's baby is the cutest thing ever. I'm in love with her.

"So we got you some presents" Marlene says and I smile

"You didn't have to do that" I say

"Well this isn't really for you, it's more for Four" Marlene adds pulling a lingerie set out of a bag.

"Oh my god" I say blushing and covering my face with my hands.

"Oh and these because we know you two are not looking to get pregnant" she says holding a box of condoms and I flip my head back laughing.

"So I got you the black set because I'm your maid of honor and black is totally a sex color but Chris got you a blue set and shaunna got you a pink set. Which one are you going to wear the first day of the honeymoon" she adds

"This is so awkward to talk about" I say blushing

"We're all girls here" shaunna says

"Okay for the first night probably the black one" I say and they cheer.

"I thought you would've said blue" Christina says and we laugh

"I like them all but I know Tobias would like the black one the best" I say

"Are you excited for the honeymoon" Christina ask

"Yes" I practically yell and they laugh

"I don't know where we're going because it's a surprise but I know where ever we're going there will be sex and oh my-... I need sex, like I really need it." I say

"I don't know when's the last time we did have sex" I add

"It's true that's what having kids does to you. You're sex life is completely shut down" Christina says

"Well good thing Zeke and I don't have a kid yet because we have sex a lot and when I mean a lot I mean a lot" she says and we giggle.

"So how is the kid process going? Are you planning to adopt or try a segregate" I say

"We're looking towards adoption" she says and we nod.

"Please feel free to adopt one of my girls because they are getting so..." I take a deep breath and sigh

"So attitudey" I say completing the sentence

"Really" shaunna says

"Yes" I sigh

"They always think they are right and always have to input on something. Tobias and I are going crazy with them" I add

"What about Kyle? How's he" Marlene ask

"He's good. Very quiet just being the perfect one year old ever" I say with a laugh

"So you two aren't planning on having no more kids" Christina ask

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