Chapter fourteen

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Tris pov
1 month later

Tobias and I sit on our bed at home. The girls are asleep and we're just up thinking about babies.

"We've been trying all month and still no baby" I say sitting up in bed while Tobias rubs my belly

"We will get there eventually" he says

"Yeah I know" I say and he pecks my lips

"We can try again tonight" he says and I lay my head on his chest

"Not tonight. I'm exhausted" I say and he laughs.

"Okay" he says smiling and kissing my head.

I wake up and stretch my arms out. Normally Tobias would be gone for work already but he's still here.

I sit up in bed and smile at him as he looks in the mirror doing his tie.

"Did I wake you" he says coming over to me and pecking my lips.

"No. But what are you still doing here" I say putting my hands on his chest.

"Your dad called and said I could come in a little later if I wanted. He said we're not that busy today" Tobias answers.

"Well that was nice of him" I say

"Yes it was" Tobias says smiling

"But I am running a little late so I got to go" he says kissing my head.

Before he goes I pull him back and smash our lips together. He smiles between our kiss and I do the same. I pull away letting him go but he comes back for one more quick kiss.

"Have a good day love" he says and I giggle at the word 'love'.

"Love?" I question

"You don't like it. Then how's 'honey'" he says and I playfully hit his arm

"Ew that makes us sound so old" I say

"Babe is fine or maybe even my name would be okay but don't say love or honey" I add and we laugh

"Okay 'babe' I got to go" he says

"Have a great day at work, I love you" I say as he starts to leave

"I love you too" he says and leaves

I through my legs over our bed and feel lightheaded. I hold on to the nightstand table and take a deep breath. Then I feel the urge to puke.

I run to the toilet and almost miss the toilet bowl but thankfully I don't. I puke out everything I ate last night and I start to think, I could be pregnant.

Tobias and I have been trying for months. I think we could have a chance here.

I look through the cabinets in our bathroom until I see it. I pull it out, sit on the toilet, and pee on the stick.

"Please work, please work, please work" I say to myself

I hear the beep noise on the stick and turn it over with my eyes closed.

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