Chapter 7 - Ghost

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Forgive me for any sort of errors because I haven't watched the film in a long time. I do know that Elizabeth finds out her father died. Also ideas. Please

Y/n's POV

I kept my eye on Jack. How did a guy like him save my father? My father was and is a great guy. How did Bilious know about my dad anyways? Were they old friends? Their was a bigger question on my mind. I've been sailing for a long time and I haven't seen my father. Where is he? Is he okay? I sighed sitting on the mast.

"What are you doing way up their?" A voice called I looked down to see Carly and Jasmine staring at me. I smiled and made my way down.

"Thinking is all," I smiled once I was down.

Carly smiled and nodded while Jasmine went into deep thought. The three of us saw a strange dark skinned girl on the edge of the ship, while two men walked that way with cannonball. They dropped them once they saw her. She turned and said something to them and turned back looking out of the ship. Uh, I wonder what that was about. It wasn't long until more people came on deck and Chris and Skylar came over to us.

"Hey guys, what's going on?" I asked.

"Look over the ship," Skylar whispered.

I did and noticed white body's floating away. Ghost? Before long boats did too, but their was people. What's going on? The others joined me on the edge of the ship, looking out. That's when I spotted my father. Everything blurred and silents.

I only heard another woman calling out for her father. I paid no attention when she went past me and when others pushed past me to get to her. I was to busy watching my father float away in his white robes.


My words were quiet and ghostly. I felt numb.

Jasmine's POV

I watched as a man with brown hair comforted the girl. At least she didn't watch him die like I did with my father. I turned to see Y/n watching something    in the water.

"Y/n?" I asked.

She didn't move or reply. I cautiously made my way to her and noticed her eyes held in tears. She never cries. I stood by her and put my hand on hers.


She still do nothing. I blinked and looked to where she was looking. It was someone in white robes like hers. I looked back over to her.

"Who is it?" I whispered.

She finally looked at me.

"Papa...he's gone."

She pulled her hand away from mine and walked off.

"Giver 'er time."

I turned to see Bilious looking down at me sadly.

"You know him then?"

"Aye, that I do. He was my brother," Bilious answered. "Now I must be askin' my old friend Jack a favor."

Y/n's POV

I sat up on the mast, watching the ghost float by. Father disappeared from my sights a bit ago. I haven't see him in 10 years and seeing his ghost float by us made me realize how much I missed him. It wasn't long until I felt a presence beside me.

"From what your captain has told me, you could use a bottle of rum," a male voice spoke.

I turned to see Jack holding out a bottle of rum. Without thinking much of it I took it, taking a swig of it. Me getting drunk isn't going to help me. I handed it back to him to see him taking a swing of it.

"So, assassin, what are you doing traveling with pirates?"

I turned to Jack and glared. He only took a drink of his rum.

"I came with my friends to save you. I came to this crew to escape from a arranged marriage," I explained.

Jack nodded and smiled before taking a swing.

"Your much like your father."

"What do you know of him?" I glared.

"He was apart of my crew. He departed from my crew to start him own," Jack smirked. "I k ow much about you too. Your a noble."

"Are your a pitiful excuse for a captain," I shot back before leaving.

Jack's POV

I got her mind off her father death. A job well done. Making my way down I bumped into Bilious.

"She seems mad."

"Well she ain't sad," I smiled and walked away.

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