Chapter 4 ~ Jar of Dirt?

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(The Video is fun as it is cute!)

As they ran after the group of three Jasmine and Y/n nodded one thing. These wasn't apart of a there crew. Y/n and Jasmine both stopped causing the others too as well.

"They aren't from our crew..."

They all stopped, but once they did a axe came flying but them. Three humans, one girl and to guys ran in their direction with mutated people going after them. Drawing their swords they attack.

Time skip (you all went back to your own ships but saw the pearl and Dutchmen side by side)

"Captain? What are we to do?" Jasmine asked.

"Stay close to z shore...we don't need thz beast comin after us..."

(At Jack Ship Williams POV)

I don't know what is special about the jar of dirt but it seems as thought Jack thought is was special.


I sighed and jumped into a long boat. Jasmine and Chris and Skylar went after me. So the four of us rowed to the ship and slipped aboard with anyone noticing us. Once on board though the Captain I'm guess was going on about his jar of dirt...My friends and I looked at one another before snickering slightly. It wasn't long lived...because just seconds later they sailed away from the Dutchman.

Someone shouted that they have given up which caused everyone to cheer, but was short lived once we hit something. Someone thought is was a reef, but the worse was about to come.

All I have for now... sorry guys I know it's short but I promise the next one will be longer.

Can't wait.

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