Chapter 5 - The Kraken

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A/n - I screwed up on the last chapter so...ok I'm going to quickly change the thing a bit...Ashly and Carly are still on the ship. James, the former red coat that was on Jacks crew, is currently on The ship with Carly and Ashly. While the BlackPearl left and the Dutchman on their tail, you and Jasmine, Chris, and Skylar got on board with the Jacks crew. Sorry, but I haven't watched the second one in a long time and I don't have it anymore so sorry if the first few chapters sucked.

A man pulled the girl away from the railing and claimed it was the Kraken. Jasmine, Chris, and Skylar glared at me.

"What you guys followed me! I didn't ask you guy too," I whispered/shouted.

"Your right, but considering that we're here, we might as well help," Jasmine sighed.

Skylar and Chris glared as her slightly until a man came by and gave us guns. We all look at each other and got in position. The man that gave us a gun or a sharp weapon of some sort. Just before long we saw it's arms. Jasmine and I gave each other a worried look. Everyone slowly backed away if fear.

"Will.." a girl spoke, very frightened.

"Steady men," was all he said.

Oh yea, like that will be easy due to the fact that we might all die. Skylar turned towards me slightly and mouthed 'don't die.' I only nod before I heard the guy, I believe is Will, yell fire. Cannons went off and The Beast coiled up and went under. Just seconds later all hell broke lose. Chris pulled Jasmine back, before it could get hold of her.

People's scream filed the air and flew off the boat. I'll say this much, it was terrifying. I dodged and hit it whenever I could. I lost sight of Skylar and Chris. Jasmine was by my side, until I felt something wrap around my ankle. I looked down and saw it. Jasmine saw it to and quickly gripped my hand before it tugged me off. At that moment a explosion went off, causing the thing to let go of me and return to the water.

I looked around to see the once beautiful ship in ruin. I was surprised it was still a float. Everyone that was still alive stood up. Jasmine and I scanned the area for our two friends. We both soon found them and ran two them. Skylar held Jasmine close to him as Chris did to me. I smiled slightly and hugged back.

Before we knew we were being loaded onto the long boat. We got on quickly and quietly. When the last person came on they were hesitant to leave some guy named Jack. I guess it was their captain. The girl only yelled at us to go. We did and watched the ship sink. Once on shore the four of us ran to the far side of the island and found our ship.

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