Happy birthday Oikawa

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It's early morning , I'm quite excited for today . It's Oikawa's birthday. I have quite a lot planned for him . I don't like admitting it a lot but he really means the world to me. I just hope everything goes alright ....
Ive been texting him on repeat but Iwaizumi isn't answering at all. Its quite upsetting. Usually I wouldn't mind as much but he told me that today he'd pay more attention to me than what little he gives me already on a daily basis. Considering we live farther from each other
"Hey it's the 20th time I've sent a message Iwa-Chan , where are you ?"
He was suppose to be here around 2:30 but its been over two hours since that has passed . I throw myself into the couch and press the remote turning the TV on and immediately an emergency alert pops up on screen. An accident . A man was harmed badly and sent to the emergency room. Thats so horrible ! I hope they're okay ! Suddenly the camera zooms in on the incident . A familiar looking phone is near the scene . It's Iwaizumi's ... Phone ? It's exactly his ! With the same case I bought him last year on Christmas. I begin to tremble in fear. Impossible it can't be ... I feel the tears fall from my face . Due to censorship issues they can't show the complete body . I quickly turn the television off and stand looking at my refection in it . That wasn't him , It couldn't have been .... At this point I'm a mess.
*Knock Knock*
I hesitantly turn and look towards the door. What if it's the police ? What if they've come to tell me that it is Iwaizumi? I open the door and my heart pounds
"Oikawa ? Why do you look like such shit ?"
"I-Iwa?" I start to tremble more
"Yea ? What's going on -"
I instantly tackle him and break down in sobs
"Iwa-chan !!! I thought you were dead ! You didn't answer my calls - a-and the news I -"
He stares at me confused
"Oikawa get off me ! I'm fine ! I didn't answer because there was a collision and in the mist I must've dropped my phone, jeez"
I sob into the crook of his neck . He's not hurt , he's fine , he's here , he's alive ...
"Uh hey ? Oikawa ?"
I shift myself so we're facing each other . He digs into his pocket and pulls out a small box
"I thought the way I was going to be giving this to you would've been a more happier moment but I guess not ? Hah well here goes I guess ? I've known you since we were kids and well - Happy birthday Tooru" He opens the box ....
"I love you"
It's a ring ....

(A/N : Boom ! Iwaoi shtuff! In the midst of writing the next chapter I thought "ITS OIKAWA's BIRTHDAY WHY NOT WRITE HIM A ONE SHOT !!" Also if you're wondering the guy who was in the accident turns out to be okay !)

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