Don't you dare ever again (Bonus chap)

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Warning: May contain triggering content


"Hey Mira! Have you heard the news yet?"

"Eh? Which news?"

"Oh, you know about- oh look! There he is!"

His eyebrow twitched. He could feel the stares and fingers pointing at him.

They don't even fucking try to keep their voices down.

He gritted his teeth and walked with his hands in his pockets away. On the way to his next lecture he couldn't once shake off the feeling being the gossip of everyone. This has been going on for a while although he wasn't the focus of everyone's attention. But he knew that some rather dubious and nasty rumours were making their rounds.

"Ey Arakita!"

He stopped in front of two grinning guys. They had an unpleasant mischievous glint in their eyes.


"Woah no need to be so unfriendly," they jokingly held their hands up as if they were scared. 

Honestly, he just wanted to go to his lecture and couldn't be bothered with guys like them.

Seems like they have some bad intentions.

"We just wanted to know if it's true," the smaller guy smirked.

"What's true?"

"Was it easy?" the taller one asked, they still didn't wipe off their grins.

"Arakita, c'mon man answer, was it easy like everybody said?" the smaller guy continued.

Arakita had no idea what they were talking about so he remained silent waiting for them to reveal their intentions.

"I bet it was! Haha, after all you weren't the first one! Maybe I should have my go with her, too. She doesn't look bad, imagine how she'd look under me? Haha. Although it won't be so much fun if she's too easy. A bit more feisty is exciting like if she begged me to spare her with tears in her eyes while I recklessly penetrate her, gosh that'd turn me on so much," the taller fellow laughed and high-fived his friend.

"Wasn't it like this Arakita?"

"Hah? I still have no idea what you're talking about!"

He couldn't follow what they were hinting on and didn't want to care but that guy's words made him furious.

"No need to be shy Arakita," the tall guy put an arm around him.

"I'm talking about yesterday when you banged (F/N)! I heard she was easy to get with! She slept with so many guys after all!"

"Ahaha right? And I heard she'd spread her legs for anyone. Ey Arakita did she beg you to fuck her?" the smaller guy made a gesture that implied a dominant sex position.

Arakita followed the guy's movements with his eyes:

"Ah that. How about," he brushed off the tall guy's arm from his shoulders,

"I tell you everything in detail outside? There are too many people eavesdropping here."

Arakita shifted his view to the surrounding people who once realised they've been found out, scattered like scared mice.

Then he walked out on the campus with the two guys following him. He could see out of his eye corners how they fist bumped each other and smiled triumphantly as if they hit the jackpot.

Ah, he thought and rubbed his nape with his hand, I feel so calm.

He led them to a hidden place behind trees and dropped his bag on the ground.

Arakita x f!reader (yowamushi pedal)Where stories live. Discover now