Confession Time

803 45 20

"Should I tell him that I like him?"

"What? I thought that was obvious."

"You really think so?"

"Of course, I mean why else would you hang out together and go out to eat?"

"Yes, you are right! So, should I tell him?"

"Sure, go ahead."

"Thanks! I'll do it!"

You waved Sara goodbye and went ahead.

-----------At the same time--------

"Should I tell her that I like her?"

"Wow man, I never thought that you would confess to someone!"

"Why not? Is that weird?"

"I don't know you don't seem like the type, so yeah."

"What? Of course I do!"

"Whatever, so you like her? Another surprise."


"Haven't seen you guys together a lot, that's why I guess."

"Do you think she'll reject me?"

"Hmm, nah. Why don't you go ahead and try?"

"Yes, right. I should. Thanks, I'll do it!"

He left the club room.

--------------At the same time, different locations-------------

"(F/N)!"                      "?"

"Kinjou!"                   "?"

 "" I like you ! Please go out with me!"" (( Double "" means that two ppl are saying the same thing at the same time , well at least for this))

-----------------A short time later-----------



""Someone confessed to me!""

"" What?  You too?"" 

"Oh It's weird how in sync we were!" you giggled at Kinjou. 

He nodded. You both were in the hallway and decided to head to an empty room.

"So who confessed to you?"

"You don't want to start first?"

"I guess you know who confessed to me."

Embarrassed you looked away:

"Yes Sara did, right?"


"Then why were you so excited?"

"Because it's the first time a girl confessed to me!"

"What? Are you serious? Despite being so popular?" you were surprised for a second before you realised that he didn't know he was popular.

"What do you mean?"

"Oh, nothing. So how did you respond?"

"I told her that we should go out on a few dates to decide."

"I see. You don't like her enough to say yes?"

"To be frank, I'm not sure now. But what about you? Who confessed?"

"Ah, that's right. You won't believe it! Never ever in your life!"



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